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Biden Sent Spinning by Latest National Report – Stock Market Takes Major Turn Over 2 Jobs Reports

Joe Biden recently tweeted he was “building a better America.” We’re not sure, where this better America is–because we’re not seeing it.

Biden has neglected runaway inflation, crippled the energy sector, and has failed to fix the supply chain. Despite gaslighting from his press team, it’s clear the U.S. is not in good shape. Just look at the recent jobs reports.

From Breitbart:

The number of Americans submitting new claims for jobless benefits increased more than expected last week, jumping 29,000 to a seasonally adjusted 219,000 for the week ended October 1, the Department of Labor said Thursday.

The rise in fresh unemployment filings was the highest in four months.

And looking at the year as a whole, it’s hardly worth celebrating over.

From Daily Caller:

The U.S. labor market cooled once again in September, adding the fewest jobs this calendar year…

The U.S. added 263,000 jobs in August, slightly higher than investor expectations, a meaningful drop from August’s addition of 315,000, and half the 528,000 added in July, according to the BLS.

There’s very little good news on the economic front. And, once again, the markets are tanking.

From Investors:

The Dow Jones Industrial Average dived 500 points Friday morning…

After Friday’s opening bell, the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 1.7%, while the S&P 500 lost 2.2%. The tech-heavy Nasdaq composite tumbled 2.8%, with AMD, Nvidia (NVDA), Intel (INTC) and ASML (ASML) leading the declines.

The stock market opened to losses, with reports that the jobs hiring is slowing down. Although we are entering the holiday season, companies are adding fewer and fewer workers.

This time of year should see hirings going up. Instead, things are stagnating.

This, of course, comes as no surprise to anyone paying attention. Ever since Biden entered office, America has been in decline.

He’s added trillions to the deficit, he’s burned through tax dollars, he’s jacked up taxes, and is promising even more bloated government waste.

Biden has ignored the 40-year-high inflation and continues to keep American energy production shut down.

Any minor, mostly insignificant gains he trumpets like major wins. But he is ignoring the open border, which is eroding communities and endangering the country.

He refuses to reverse his failed economic agenda. He begs foreign countries for oil as he sends billions to fuel a war.

Meanwhile, he calls anyone who challenges him a “threat to democracy.”

Key Takeaways:

  • The stock market plunged on news of a shrinking jobs market.
  • Hirings have continued to decline through August and September.
  • This is due to Biden’s ongoing failed economic agenda.

Source: Breitbart, Daily Caller, Investors

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