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Kamala Suffers Meltdown Over ‘Yellow School Bus’ – The Vice-President Gets Mocked for Her Sentimental Speech

Despite the left’s best efforts, Kamala Harris appeared in front of a microphone again. With nothing real to do, the White House sent Kamala to Seattle to brag about another massive waste of taxpayer dollars.

Thanks to the betrayal of Republicans like Mitt Romney, Biden had trillions of dollars to waste on an “infrastructure” bill. And although our students are dead last in the world, Biden decided to throw this money away. He didn’t buy books (or hire good teachers) but spent over a billion on electric school buses.

Yep, that’s what we really need, electric school buses.

Harris, who is as articulate as a cow, decided to celebrate this waste of money by gushing over yellow school buses.

From Fox News:

Vice President Kamala Harris experienced a new round mockery after touting her love of “yellow school buses” during her Seattle appearance on Wednesday…

“Who doesn’t love a yellow school bus, right? Can you raise your hand if you love a yellow school bus? Many of us went to school on the yellow school bus, right? It’s part of our experience growing up. It’s part of a nostalgia, a memory of the excitement and joy of going to school to be with your favorite teacher, to be with your best friends and to learn. The school bus takes us there,” she said.

Ugh. What the heck was she saying? Does anyone still bother to write for Kamala these days? Who has nostalgia for the gross, crowded, and dangerous school bus that dragged them from their homes to the noisy and underperforming public school?

Most kids hate riding the school bus and they let the poor, miserable bus drivers know constantly. It’s why we don’t hire college graduates to drive school buses–because nobody wants the job. Yet Kamala, without a thought in that empty head, gushed on and on about yellow school buses.

Users online were not kind.

Some joked that Fetterman is sounding better, compared to Kamala. Others were merciless, expecting her to break on in “Wheels on the Bus.” The real sin of this event is that Biden is robbing American taxpayers to reward loyal liberal parts of the country with useless perks. Even though Democrat-run states are dead last in education, they are rewarded with electric school buses.

Schools that push CRT, have pathetically low reading and math scores, get brand new buses. All thanks to Biden’s scheme to defraud Americans and enrich his buddies.

Key Takeaways:

  • Kamala Harris embarrassed herself again, during an event in Seattle.
  • She gushed about the “yellow school bus,” while celebrating the awarding of billions.
  • Seattle is getting one billion dollars to buy electric school buses, while student scores plummet.

Source: Fox News

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