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Lauren Boebert Overrules Liberals, Makes Epic Comeback And Takes Lead In Tight Race

Colorida Congresswoman Lauren Boebert overruled her liberal critics and has taken the lead in her closely watched re-election race. She now leads by 386 votes. Boebert issued a quick statement on her comeback saying: “Winning!”

There are still votes to count and this race is destined for a recount but it is a good sign that she has retaken the lead in the race.

MSNBC’s Kurt Bardella, a DNC adviser, may be eating his words about her possible loss. He was ashamed into apologizing for calling Boebert a stripper: “I appreciate your feedback and when someone from your vantage point weighs in – that warrants consideration and reflection.

“I’ll be more thoughtful about my words in the future. It is NEVER my intention to shame women. I apologize. Period.

“There is nothing wrong with consensual interactions on platforms like OnlyFans.

“Anyone suggesting otherwise in an effort to shame or judge really needs to examine their own perception of women and their autonomy.

“That said, I have zero appetite for the faux-outrage coming from the MAGA-ites because we all know they don’t give a rip about sexism, misogyny or equality.

“They are hypocrites of the first order.

“Just look at their standard-bearer.”

Boebert said today:

“Liberals even suck at feminism.

“Can y’all do anything right?”

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