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Dems Fall Into Chaos Before Midterms, Retract Letter Demanding Joe Biden Talk To Putin And Blame Staffer

Weeks before the midterms the Dems are in complete chaos. Progressive Democrats just withdrew a letter where they subverted Biden and demanded Joe start negotiating with Putin.

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), the chairwoman of the Congressional Progressive Caucus said: “The letter was drafted several months ago, but unfortunately was released by staff without vetting. As Chair of the Caucus, I accept responsibility for this.

“Because of the timing, our message is being conflated by some as being equivalent to the recent statement by Republican Leader McCarthy threatening an end to aid to Ukraine if Republicans take over.

“The proximity of these statements created the unfortunate appearance that Democrats, who have strongly and unanimously supported and voted for every package of military, strategic, and economic assistance to the Ukrainian people, are somehow aligned with Republicans who seek to pull the plug on American support for President Zelensky and the Ukrainian forces.

“Let me be clear: we are united as Democrats in our unequivocal commitment to supporting Ukraine in their fight for their democracy and freedom in the face of the illegal and outrageous Russian invasion, and nothing in the letter advocates for a change in that support.

“Diplomacy is an important tool that can save lives — but it is just one tool. As we also made explicitly clear in our letter and will continue to make clear, we support President Biden and his administration’s commitment to nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine.”

The Washington Post reported earlier:

“A group of 30 House liberals is urging President Biden to dramatically shift his strategy on the Ukraine war and pursue direct negotiations with Russia, the first time prominent members of his own party have pushed him to change his approach to Ukraine.

“The letter, obtained by The Post, could create pressure on Biden as he tries to sustain domestic support for the war effort, as the region is heading into a potentially difficult winter and Republicans are threatening to cut aid if they retake Congress.

“In a letter led by Rep. Pramila Jayapal, the 30 Democrats call on Biden to pair the unprecedented economic and military support the U.S. is providing Ukraine with a “diplomatic push, redoubling efforts to seek a realistic framework for a ceasefire.”

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