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Congress Scrambles After President Biden’s Failure – The Holidays Could Be Crippled Over Strike of Railroads

What’s Happening:

So, let’s try to do the math. How many things has Biden done to hurt the U.S. economy? He passed a “stimulus” bill that lowered the value of the dollar. He shut down drilling for oil, leading to a spike in energy prices. Oh, and he failed to address a crippling supply chain crisis, which continues to hurt businesses and consumers.

But all that will pale in comparison if this one problem ends up erupting. Weeks ago, Biden bragged about his negotiators securing a deal to settle a major rift between twelve labor unions and railroad companies. Except, the deal never went through–as three unions didn’t get what they requested.

Now, because of Biden’s failures, a rail workers’ strike is set to shut down the economy for good.

From Just the News:

Members of the country’s largest rail union on Monday rejected a proposed labor contract with freight railroads, resulting in a potential nationwide freight-rail strike amid the holiday season and Congress likely intervening to avert such a shutdown…

The work stoppage would impact coal shipments, passenger rail service and cost the U.S. economy billions of dollars per day, according to Politico.

This is really bad. Biden could not secure a deal that made all 12 unions happy. And if one of the unions refuses to sign the deal, all twelve will not work in solidarity. That means our entire railroad system, including freight and passenger rails, will shut down.

You might not think that’s a big deal. But it is. Our economy depends on the railroads to ship countless goods across the country. If the trains shut down, just before Christmas, store shelves will be empty–and not refilled. Everything from grocery stores to malls will have nothing.

Even Amazon will be crippled since online retailers also depend on trains to restock their warehouses and move products from coast to coast. Congress might be able to avert a strike, but by only pushing back the deadline another month.

But considering Congress is on leave until after Thanksgiving, they have little time to get anything done.

All of this could have been avoided if Biden’s labor secretary actually listened to workers over sick leave. But why should we expect anyone from this administration to do a good job at this point? Nobody in the Biden administration is qualified for the job they have.

Just think, if we had–you know–someone in office who literally wrote the book on dealmaking, this wouldn’t even be happening.

If only…

Key Takeaways:

  • Joe Biden’s team failed to avert a strike of rail workers’ unions.
  • The workers could go on strike as early as December 5, crippling the holiday season.
  • Congress can act, but only to push back the deadline by another month.

Source: Just the News

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