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After Biden Fan Chants ‘4 More Years’ – The President Stuns the Audience, Says ‘I Don’t Know About That’

What’s Happening:

Despite all common sense and logic, there are still people out there who like Joe Biden. I guess there are still people who watch CNN and still think the Chinese government is a “good bunch of guys.”

During a speech addressing the Tribal Nations Summit, someone decided to shout at the end. This rabid Biden fan (or perhaps one of his staff members) can be heard saying “Four more years!” as others were applauding.

This is what Biden quickly said.

From Twitter:

Crowd member: “Four more years!”

Biden: “I don’t know about that.”

Huh. What the heck was that? Biden has frequently promised he’d run for a second term in 2024. Whenever someone questions his age or health, he or his staff are quick to say he is all-in for the next election.

But when this man shouted “Four more years” (a common chant for presidential re-election campaigns), Biden waves him away and says, “I don’t know about that.” What did he mean? Is this a slip of the tongue from Biden, suggesting Biden doesn’t intend on running?

Or was he just not interested in anyone chanting that at that event? Can’t be sure, considering the White House constantly has to backtrack Biden’s off-the-cuff remarks.

It is possible he is suggesting that he won’t be around for a full second term. Maybe he intends on running, securing the victory for Democrats. Then, he’d step down and hand the presidency over to his vice president–whoever that will be.

Sounds like a crazy plan? Democrats have done much worse. Many people believed they nominated Biden in 2020 because he was the safest choice for a general election. Then, they would replace him at some point with his vice president. But since Harris is dumber than Biden, those plans were spoiled.

But maybe they’ll try again in 2024. Get Biden to pick a better running mate and then have him step down.

We don’t know for sure, but his comment is certainly telling.

Key Takeaways:
Someone shouted “Four more years” after a recent speech from Biden.
Joe waved the man off saying, “I don’t know about that.”
His reaction seems to conflict with claims he’ll run in 2024.
Source: Twitter

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