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Woke Hollywood Suffers Unexpected Ratings Collapse – It Looks Like Almost Nobody Watched the Golden Globes

The entertainment industry has suffered multiple blows in recent years, including Disney’s historic downward spiral. Other goliaths like Netflix had miserable stock results last year as well.

And while most agree that all of Hollywood can’t go broke, it almost feels like they’re headed for disaster.

Another ratings bomb just came in — and it’s even more significant because it was supposed to be a triumphant return.

The Golden Globe awards are the traditional precursor to the more prestigious Academy Awards, and both are capable of bringing in massive audiences. At their peak, many tens of millions watched.

However, the Oscars has seen a marked decline in recent years, and they didn’t even hold the Golden Globes in 2022.

It came back this year and many in the industry hoped America would applaud its return. Instead, the Jan. 10 presentation brought in the second-lowest number of viewers in its run on NBC.

Via The Daily Caller:

There seems to be no point in airing any awards shows anymore, since the ratings demonstrate what most of us already knew — nobody is even watching.

The Golden Globes slid to their second-smallest audience in its 28-year run on NBC, dropping to a dismal 6.25 million viewers, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The 2021 ratings were also horrible, at 6.91 million, but this broadcast demonstrated that things could always get worse.

Last year, NBC dropped the show due to controversy surrounding the Hollywood Foreign Press Association; they only ran a remote production.

But they might go back to doing that if these ratings don’t improve. This time, viewers complained of a “boring” show and most seemed largely uninterested.



The lowest viewer total for the Golden Globes – about 6 million – came in 2008, when they didn’t even have a gala extravaganza: they merely held a press conference announcing the winners.

This week’s show only managed a miniscule 1.1 rating in the major demographic of adults aged 18-49, and it indicates that many Americans are simply tired of Tinseltown.

One could argue that the “woke” agenda of the entertainment industry has dramatically damaged the entire field, as there was a catastrophic drop from 2020 to 2021 (18 million to under 7 million).

That was around the time the wokeness started to spiral out of control, though it had been building for several years prior.

Overall, the entertainment world has seen a tremendous shift — and a colossal dive in profits and market value. In 2022 alone, the industry lost over a half-trillion dollars, and that trend could continue.

“Go woke, go broke”  is a common phrase these days and now there’s plenty of financial evidence to back it up.

Key Takeaways:

  • After skipping 2022, the Golden Globes returned this year — but drew only 6.25 million viewers.
  • It’s the second-lowest viewership total in the show’s run on NBC, and gained only a 1.1 rating among adults 18-49.
  • Many say it’s another consequence of the entire entertainment world going “woke.”

Source: The Daily Caller

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