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Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)pushed back on a reporter who kept cutting him off and accused him of not answering her question. Juanita Broaddrick it seems, enjoyed McCarthy’s response, and shared the video with the caption “HOLY SH*T”.

In the clip, a reporter began to complain “You’re not answering my question,” after she also cuts him off multiple times. McCarthy’s expression changed and he stood up to her complaint, “Okay, let me be very clear and respectful to you. You asked me a question, when I answer it, it’s the answer to your question. You don’t get to determine whether I answer your question or not, okay, in all respect. Thank You.”

Another reporter started to jump in and McCarthy interjected, “No no let’s answer her question.”

“You just raised the question, I’m going to be very clear with you. The intel committee is different. Do you know why? Because what happens in the intel committee you don’t know, what happens in the intel committee all the secrets that are going on in the world, other members of congress don’t know.”

“What did Adam Schiff (D-CA) do as the chairman of the intel committee? What Adam Schiff did was use his power as a chairman and lied to the American public, even the inspector general said it. When Devin Nunes put out a memo, he said it was false.”

“When we had a laptop [Hunter Biden’s laptop], he used it before an election to be politics and say that it was false, said it was the Russians when he knew different. When he knew the intel. If you talk to John Radcliff, DNI. He came out ahead of time and says there was no intel to prove that. And he used his position as chairman, knowing he has information the rest of America does not, and lied to the American public.”

“When a whistleblower came forward he said he did not know the individual, even though his staff had met with him and set it up. So no he does not have a right to sit on that. But I will not be like democrats and play politics these.”

“Where they removed Republicans from committees and all committees. So yes he can serve on a committee, but he will not serve on intel. Because it goes to the national security of America and I will always put them first, alright.”

“And if you wanna talk about Swalwell, Let’s talk bout Swalwell. ’cause you have not had the briefing I’ve had. I had the briefing and Nancy Pelosi had the briefing from the FBI. The FBI never came before this congress to tell the leadership of this congress that Eric Swalwell had a problem with a Chinese spy, until he served on intel. So it wasn’t just us who were concerned about it. The FBI was concerned about putting a member of congress on the intel committee that has the rights to see things that others don’t, because of his knowledge and relationship with a Chinese spy.”

“They brought it to the works of the leaders. I’ve got that briefing. So I do not believe he should sit on there, that committee, and I believe there are two hundred other democrats that can serve on that committee. So this has nothing to do with Santos.”


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