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Don Lemon Caves After Insulting Every Woman In America But It May Not Be Enough To Save Job: “I regret it”

CNN host Don Lemon caved after receiving universal backlash for insulting every woman in America including presidential candidate Nikky Haley and Vice President Kamala Harris. Lemon came clean on social media with a weak almost apology:

“The reference I made to a woman’s ‘prime’ this morning was inartful and irrelevant, as colleagues and loved ones have pointed out, and I regret it. A woman’s age doesn’t define her either personally or professionally. I have countless women in my life who prove that every day.”

Don Lemon said today that Nikki Haley isn’t in her prime as a politician because she’s not in her 20’s, 30’s or 40’s. Haley is 51. Biden is 80. Kamala Harris is 58. Hillary Clinton is in her later 70s.  Below is a transcript and a video follows.

Lemon said: This whole talk about age makes me uncomfortable. I think it’s the wrong road to go down. She says people, you know, politicians are suddenly not in their prime. Nikki Haley isn’t in her prime. Sorry, When a woman is in their prime in 20s and 30s and maybe 40s…

Poppy Harlow: What are you talking — Wait…


Lemon: That’s not according to me.

Harlow: Prime for what?

Lemon: It depends. It’s just like, prime. If you look it up. If you Google when is a woman in her prime, it’ll say 20s, 30s, 40s.

Harlow: Forties! Oh my god, I have another decade.

Lemon: I’m not saying I agree with that. So I think she has to be careful about saying that, you know, politicians are in their prime.

Harlow: Are you talking about prime for, like, childbearing? Or are you talking about prime for being president?

Lemon: Don’t shoot the messenger, I’m just saying what the facts are. Google it. Everybody at home, when is a woman in her prime? It says 20s, 30s and 40s.

I’m just saying Nikki Haley should careful about saying that politics are not in their prime, and they need to be in their prime when they serve.

She would not be in her prime according to Google or whatever it is.



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