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WHOA: Kamala Harris MURDER Scandal Just Surfaced

The uneducated voters on the left have no idea of who Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s stood for in the past.

Biden was responsible for imprisoning African Americans in prison for marijuana and pushed for a wall at the border, to name a few of his policies.

Kamala Harris was a hard core prosecutor who threw people in jail left and right for minor offenses

These people were ruthless.

But the truth is emerging and their skeletons are coming out of the closet.

One particular case that Harris handled involved a murderous animal MS-13 lifelong criminal that Harris refused to seek the death penalty for in one of the city’s most high-profile murder cases, where an illegal alien MS-13 gang member killed a father and two of his sons.

Breitbart has more:

On June 22, 2008, 48-year-old Anthony Bologna and his three sons — 20-year-old Michael, 18-year-old Andrew, and 16-year-old Matthew — were driving home from a family barbeque in San Francisco, California, when illegal alien MS-13 gang member Edwin Ramos, driving alongside them, randomly opened fire.

Ramos killed Anthony, Michael, and Matthew in the shooting. Prosecutors said Ramos shot the Bolognas because he misidentified them as rival gang members who were involved in a gang murder that day.

The murder case rose to prominence as Harris, who is now our useless vice president, was San Francisco District Attorney. Harris later became California Attorney General.

Ramos, it was soon revealed, had been arrested and convicted on a number of previous violent crimes, but San Francisco’s sanctuary city policy shielded him from ever being turned over to federal immigration officials.

After Ramos was charged with three counts of murder, Angel Mom Danielle Bologna pleaded publicly with Harris to seek the death penalty. Harris had previously committed to never seek the death penalty as district attorney.

“The district attorney really needs to pay attention — she doesn’t have kids, she doesn’t know what this means,” Bologna told the San Francisco Gate at the time.

Bologna continued:

“Seeking the death penalty, this will make a statement so people won’t just kill families for no reason,” said Bologna, who is left to raise a son and daughter on her own. “They have the power to stop this. They have to stop with the excuses — this is not her family, this is my family.” [Emphasis added]

Violence in the city, Bologna said, “has gone too far. Nothing is getting done. Why did we put her here, if she is not going to stop this? This is huge. I have lost a husband and two kids.” [Emphasis added]

A year and three months after the Bologna murders, Harris announced that she would not seek the death penalty for Ramos despite overwhelming evidence — including a surviving eyewitness to the murders — of his premeditation in the case.

Angel Mom Danielle Bologna was devastated by the news.

“She feels that not only did she lose half her family, she lost her home because she was forced to move so she could protect the rest of her family,” a family spokesman said at the time. “With this decision, it will just never end.”

Instead of the death penalty, Ramos was sentenced to three life terms in prison without the possibility of parole in June 2012.

Edwin Ramos:Bolognas

Photo’s/ Facebook

Harris’ opposition to the death penalty was thrown out when she sought the votes of California voters in her run for attorney general. After having been elected by saying she would enforce capital punishment, Harris defended the death penalty in court in 2014.

From Trending Right Wing:

Digging into Harris’ record, this is not the only case like this. Harris also used her position to decline to prosecute those who had given significant donations to her campaign, clients of law firms she was connected to, her ex-boyfriend Willie Brown, and clients of her husband’s law firm.

The mainstream media has refused to report on these stories, most likely due to the effect that it would have had  on the 2020 election.

The buyers remorse from the democrats that voted for Biden/Harris is huge and will continue as these scumbags and their fellow communists continue to destroy America on a daily basis.

You should have stuck with President Trump but with the rampant election fraud that took place it probably wouldn’t have made any difference.

The election was rigged and everyone and their mother’s know it.

H/T Trending Right Wing

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