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“You’re A Scumbag”: Adam Schiff Heckled In New York City

During the House Judiciary Committee’s hearing on violent crime in New York City today Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) got heckled by an angry New Yorker during his opening statements.

Schiff said: “This committee has used every means at its disposal to disrupt, interrupt, and interfere with Donald Trump’s prosecution. Republicans would have you believe it is a mere coincidence that all of a sudden and out of the blue, the chairman Jordan decided that the state of NY is a wonderful place to do a hearing — not the chairman’s home state of Ohio, with its high rates of murder.”

But Schiff barely got through his speech before he was brutally heckled by a man in the crowd who yelled, “You’re a scumbag. You guys are scumbags. All of you! Every one of you!” (See Video Below)

While the man was being led away by police, another man heckled Schiff by yelling that Alvin Bragg is “the reason” for violent crime in New York.

Rep. Matt Gaetz said at one point:

“Our criminal justice system is insane. It’s dangerous. It’s harmful. And it is destroying the fabric of our city.

“Time and again, our police officers make an arrest, and then the person who is arrested for assault, felonious assault, robberies and gun possession, they’re finding themselves back on the street within days, if not hours, after arrest.

“My friends, the reason we are here in New York is because you have Democrats – you have citizens – calling for some relief from this pain.

“And we are here not to use anyone, but to uplift the voices of brave people who are here to tell their story.

“In places like Tampa, Florida, in Jacksonville, Florida, in Tucson, Arizona, increasingly George Soros is putting in upwards of $40 million to elect 75 DAs to be able to engage in these downgrades.

“And by the way, not only are they downgrading the violent things they can’t even win the cases they try.”

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