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Marjorie Taylor Greene Tells Fox News To ‘Do The Right Thing And Let Tucker Out of His Contract’

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) put Fox News boss Rupert Murdoch on notice during a recent interview where she asked Fox News to release Tucker Carlson from his contract.

Greene said: “There has been a huge backlash against Fox News. Pretty much everyone I know has canceled their Fox News app. They’ve taken it off their phone. They’ve canceled their Fox Nation subscription and they’ve said they’re walking away from Fox News.

“And I don’t blame those Americans one single bit. Tucker Carlson on his show, Tucker Carlson Tonight and on his show on Fox Nation, has been covering the news stories that Americans desperately want to hear.

“Because we don’t hear them largely from the left-biased mainstream media in this country.

“And this is Tucker Carlson, he is someone that will come back around.

“But Fox News needs to do the right thing and work with Tucker Carlson and not keep his mouth shut with duct tape.

“They need to let him go and let him out of his contract.

“So that he can do his show and go on to bigger and better things.

“And we look forward to seeing him come back,” she said.

Carlson hired LA-based entertainment lawyer Bryan Freedman to handle his exit negotiations with Fox News.

He earns over $20 million a year. His contract runs through 2024. Fox News’ competitors have already made Tucker offers.

Rupert Murdoch will not want Tucker beating him every night from Newsmax or on social media so it could get ugly.

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