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Peter Doocy Busts Karine Jean-Pierre: “You said yesterday that when it comes to illegal migration, you’ve seen it come down by more than 90%, where did that number come from?”

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Fox News reporter busted Karine Jean-Pierre telling a tall tale during the White House press briefing today. Jean-Pierre did not handle it well and called Doocy dramatic.

She said yesterday: “He has asked Congress to take action — Republicans in Congress to take action and to take — and to work on this in a bipartisan way. He’s going to continue to do that.

“In the meantime, he’s put forth some — he has tools that he’s used to make sure that we actually deal with the immigration system in a humane way, and in a way that is that — that actually deals with what we’re seeing at the border.

“And that’s why you’ve seen the parolee program be so successful. It has — when it comes to illegal migration, you’ve seen it come down by more than 90 percent, and that’s because of the actions that this President has taken.”

Bill Melugin, a Fox News reporter who covers the southern border, called her out.

“False. There was a window of time earlier this year where encounters with Venezuelans, Nicaraguans, and Cubans did temporarily dip 90% after a policy change, but other countries, like China, shot up over 800%. Illegal crossings, including Venezuelans, back at peak highs now.”

Enter Peter Doocy who grilled Jean-Pierre.

Doocy: “You said yesterday that when it comes to illegal migration, you’ve seen it come down by more than 90%. Where did that number come from?”

Karine Jean-Pierre: “If the dramatics could come down just a little bit.

“The president put in place a parolee program.

“The data has shown us it has gone down by more than 90%.”

Doocy: “If the border is secure…then why would we need to send 1,500 active duty U.S. troops down there?”

Karine Jean-Pierre: “Because more work needs to be done, Peter.”

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