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New Evidence Nails Biden Family to the Wall – Repeat White House Visitor Was Client of Hunter Biden

What’s Happening:

Joe Biden has long maintained that he knew nothing about his son’s business dealings. Plenty of information has come out to suggest Hunter Biden was up to no good. Many people believe that he used his father’s name to land deals that were less than legal.

But Biden has come off scot-free, claiming he had nothing to do with any of that

Yet, right. We’ve seen evidence to suggest Biden was heavily involved in Hunter’s business schemes. He leveraged his tremendous influence as vice president to score millions for his family. And now, yet another story is emerging that makes Biden’s claims impossible.

From Fox News:

A client of Hunter Biden’s now-defunct firm visited the White House multiple times during the Obama administration, including visits with then-Vice President Biden and a top Biden aide, in addition to spending “a lot of time” with Biden during a casual New York City meeting arranged by the younger Biden, according to a series of emails reviewed by Fox News Digital

Well, well, well. How interesting! Biden said he had nothing to do with Hunter’s businesses. He didn’t even know about them, he’s claimed. So, who is it that Biden met with one of Hunter’s business partners in the White House?

Not only that, but this man spent “a lot of time” with Biden during a meeting in New York arranged by Hunter.

Huh, that doesn’t jive with what Joe’s said, does it? Does he expect us to believe he can spend that much time with Hunter’s business partners and know “nothing” about his business? Give me a break.

These meetings were arranged specifically so Biden could influence Hunter’s business deals. Biden apparently used his influence as the vice president to advise Hunter and secure money from foreign powers. Why were foreign investors willing to dump millions into the Bidens’ laps? Because, most likely, Biden was trading favors with them.

Which is what we like to call corruption.

Why is so much evidence like this coming out–with no action from Congress? Democrats have accused Trump of a fraction of this kind of stuff and impeached him twice. Yet we are supposed to just let Biden get away with bribery and scheming?

It’s time for Republicans to drop the “I” bomb on him.

Key Takeaways:

  • New evidence reveals one of Hunter’s business partners met with Biden at the White House.
  • The same man also spent “a lot of time” with Joe Biden during a meeting arranged by Hunter.
  • Biden has long claimed he knew nothing of his son’s business dealings.

Source: Fox News

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