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Obama Sent Spinning by Eye-Opening Biden Accusation – Comer Claims Barry “Knew What Biden Was Doing” When VP

Currently, the House Oversight Committee is investigating the Biden family’s potentially shady business dealings. Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) has already revealed some interesting evidence.

Now, though, he’s going a step beyond the Bidens: he’s bringing in Joe’s former boss, former President Barack Obama.

Rep. Comer maintains that when Biden was Vice President, his family was making foreign business deals — and Obama knew all about them.

Comer went on the Great America Show and spoke with host Lou Dobbs about the ongoing investigation and said he believes Obama “knew what Joe Biden was doing” at the time. This could include highly questionable overseas business arrangements.

He also said Obama knew about Hunter, that he was “no good.”

From Breitbart:

I believe, Lou, that it’s because he knew what Joe Biden was doing the last year of his vice presidency.

He knew his son [Hunter Biden] was no good, and he knew this was nothing but a political liability not just for our country, not just for the democrat party, but for Obama’s legacy.

Because a lot of this happened during the Obama administration.

Comer revealed last week that when Biden was VP, his family raked in over $10 million thanks to those overseas dealings, which included schemes in both Russia and China.

Additionally, the Committee Chair claims that money was received via “influence peddling;” i.e., the Bidens simply turned the power of their family name into ill-gotten millions.

But Comer didn’t stop there: he also said that because Obama knew about all this, it’s a big reason why he opposed Biden’s presidency in 2020:

So, I think that’s why Obama didn’t want Joe Biden to run for president. I think they knew about this.

And remember, a lot of these coverups would have happened during the Obama administration with Obama appointees in these deep state bureaucracies.

Comer added that a journalist should ask Obama to confirm all this.

Is it true that the former POTUS was aware of what Joe Biden was doing in regards to foreign policy and using his influence to make his family rich? Did all that really happen and if so, is that why Obama distanced himself from Biden?

These are questions we might never get the answers to, but they’re certainly worth asking.

The Committee continues to dive into the business history of the Bidens, with current President Joe Biden under heavy scrutiny. Other pieces of evidence, like those found in Hunter’s laptop, also remain on the agenda.

There’s no way to know if any of this will negatively impact Biden on the 2024 re-election campaign trail, but Rep. Comer and the Committee won’t rest until they uncover the truth.

And that truth could definitely make voters – maybe even some Democrats – think differently next year.

Key Takeaways:

  • House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) claims former President Barack Obama “knew what Joe Biden was doing.”
  • Comer refers to the Biden family’s overseas business dealings with Russia and China, which resulted in over $10 million.
  • The Chair also claims Obama knew about this, and it’s why he didn’t want Biden to run for President in 2020.

Source: Breitbart

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