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Gavin Newsom Proposes Shock 28th Amendment – “Common Sense” Change Has Patriots Fighting Mad

What’s Happening:

Now is the time to rework the Constitution, according to liberal California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, and he’s pushing legislation to get the ball rolling across the country.

This loud-mouth liberal is aiming for your rights and claims his plan will create a “more perfect union.”

And if President Joe Biden stumbles this election season, this gun grabber could be signing off on this anti-American proposal from the Oval Office.

From Fox News:

“Our ability to make a more perfect union is literally written into the Constitution,” California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom said Thursday. “So today, I’m proposing the 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution to do just that.

“The 28th Amendment will enshrine in the Constitution commonsense gun safety measures that Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and gun owners overwhelmingly support — while leaving the Second Amendment unchanged and respecting America’s gun-owning tradition.”

This grinning leftist goon is slicker than his slimy hairdo. Such an amendment would be used to hamstring the intent of the Second Amendment that the founding fathers established for the protection of the people.

The devil is in the details of Newsom’s proposal. Hidden within his proposed amendment are permissions for local, state and national governments to pass laws that easily strip away the right to keep and bear arms.

Gavin, like most gun grabbers these days, is not happy about recent decisions in federal courts that produced a series of victories to protect gun owners’ rights. A decision last year in a Supreme Court landmark decision wiped away a century-old New York law that made it difficult to obtain a concealed handgun license. Gun grabbers are losing against the law.

Newsom is beating his chest against gun crimes in this obvious publicity stunt as he tries to build momentum to knock Biden off the political stage. His blowhard activist tactics won’t hold up under the process required to amend this nation’s ultimate legal authority.

Every legal pathway to amend the Constitution is blocked without an overwhelming majority of states and congressional representatives required to pass his proposal.

And the public fight is already on to stop Newsom’s anti-gun political agenda.

From Fox News:

“We’ve always warned those who cherish their God-given liberties that the ultimate goal of anti-gunners was the abolishment of the Second Amendment,” said Erich Pratt, senior vice president of Gun Owners of America (GOA).

“While they often try to hide behind legislative proposals and hush open talk of abolishing the Second Amendment, here we have a potential future presidential candidate now coming out and openly admitting what they’ve wanted to do all along,” Pratt said. “GOA will strongly oppose this proposal as we work to protect and restore the Second Amendment rights of all Americans.”

Second Amendment supporters know that Newsom’s ranting and raving is just a deflection from his many failures.

“California is a beacon for violence because of Newsom’s embrace of policies that champion the criminal and penalize the law-abiding,” the National Rifle Association said in a statement. “That is why the majority of Americans rightfully reject his California-style gun control.”

At this point Newsom is just a presidential candidate wannabe and it is common sense to oppose his activist actions.

Americans who support the Constitution don’t want this loon to be anywhere near the White House.

Key Takeaways:

  • Liberal activist governor wants to erode constitutional rights.
  • California Gov. Gavin Newsom proposes anti-gun 28th
  • Gun rights groups come out swinging to stop Newsom.

Source: Fox News

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