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Texas Takes Genius Action Against Border Crossers – Governor Abbott Greenlights New Tactic

What’s Happening:

It’s clear that the federal government refuses to do anything about the border crisis. Texas Gov. Abbott has contacted DC several times, seeking aid. But Biden has refused. It has been left to the state to deal with the millions of illegal aliens threatening the lives of Texans (and Americans in every state).

Gov. Abbott has been implementing various plans to shut down this border crisis. He has even launched a task force, with resources from many other red states, to stem this tide of illegal immigration. Now, he is coming up with a new, ingenious tactic, to send the cartels running back to Mexico.

From The Washington Examiner:

Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) has approved a plan to disrupt Rio Grande crossings from Mexico to his state by illegal immigrants.

His plan is to use a 1,000-foot “marine floating barrier” to visibly block key sections of the river most immigrants have to cross to enter the United States illegally…

What’s more, the state is also considering hanging “webbing” under the water barrier to make it hard to dive past.

Texas Gov. Abbott approved a plan to use a 1,000-foot barrier in the Rio Grande to block illegal crossings. This barrier will be made of large floating balls that will spin, to prevent people from climbing over them.

A good swimmer might be able to dive underneath, but the vast majority of illegals won’t be able to. The plans might also include webbing to prevent divers from getting past.

This might sound like something that can threaten the life of those crossers. But this is a deterrent. Nobody should be entering the Rio Grande to get into America illegally. If someone tries to get passed this barrier, they are taking their lives into their own hands.

The governor has made it very clear that Texas is enforcing its immigration laws. Biden is the only one refusing to protect the United States from illegals and criminal aliens. We shouldn’t have to put this barrier into the river.

But Biden’s neglect is only making the problem worse.

Key Takeaways:

  • Texas Gov. Abbott approved a floating barrier to stop illegals from crossing the Rio Grande.
  • The 1,000-foot barrier system will prevent swimmers from crossing.
  • This comes as Joe Biden refuses to defend the U.S. border.

Source: The Washington Examiner

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