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In Show Of Support, Ted Cruz Gets A Haircut At Jailed Texas Woman’s Salon

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, along with other heavy-hitter politicians from Texas to Washington D.C., decided to show his support for the jailed Texas salon owner by stopping in and getting a fresh haircut in a show of solidarity.

“Hair salons & barbershops are open in TX today. Just got my hair cut for first time in 3 months at Salon ALa Mode to support Shelley Luther, who was wrongly imprisoned when she refused to apologize for trying to earn a living,” Cruz tweeted on Friday.

Luther, who was originally charged and imprisoned for keeping her salon open during the statewide stay-at-home order, which prohibited businesses like hers from staying open, defied the ruling and opened her business early. She argued that her stylists, along with thousands of others in the industry across America, were on the verge of going hungry and homeless as state governments kept “non-essential” businesses closed for, what many believe, is far too long.

Luther, while remaining respectful, also refused to apologize to a Texas judge for her actions, which led to the 7-day jail sentence that sparked a nationwide controversy and an eventual interference from Texas’ top legal voice — the Texas Attorney General.

The judge was apparently demanding that Luther apologize for reopening her business, which is strange in itself, but Luther refused.

“I have hairstylists that are going hungry because they’d rather feed their kids,” she said.

“So, sir, if you think the law is more important than kids getting fed, then please go ahead with your decision, but I am not going to shut the salon,” Luther told the judge at the time.

Cruz even weighed in at the time, calling the jail sentence “NUTS.”

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton soon called for Luther’s immediate release. Several more Texas heavyweights, including Gov. Greg Abbott and Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick used tools at their disposal to essentially ban anyone from ever being jailed for such actions and made the executive order retroactive, which essentially instantly ended Luther’s jail sentence.

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