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Trump Scores Major Victory In 9th Circuit Court – Donald Slams The Door On The Stormy Daniels Appeal

The Democrats have not once let up on their campaign to destroy Donald Trump. Even after he left office, they pushed numerous campaigns to either slander his reputation or prevent him from returning. Despite what they say, it’s pretty obvious they know he’s going to return to politics—and perhaps win back the White House. So, they are desperate for any chance to knock him down a peg.

A lawsuit started years ago has been dragging through the courts. One infamous woman tried to smear Trump, with the help of a shady, now-disgraced lawyer. The original case was thrown out and she was forced to pay damages. She and her legal team tried to appeal and delay. But the 9th Circuit Court just made the decision final. And Trump is celebrating.

From Breitbart:

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirmed a victory for former President Donald Trump in his legal feud with pornographic actress Stormy Daniels.

Trump said in a statement:

The 9th Circuit just issued a final ruling in the Stephanie Clifford (aka Stormy Daniels) frivolous lawsuit case against me brought by her disgraced lawyer, Michael Avenatti, upholding the lower court ruling that she owes me nearly $300,000 in attorney fees, costs, and sanctions (not including appeal costs).

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court ruling that “Stormy Daniels” has to pay a portion of Trump’s legal fees. This comes after years of this woman trying to slander the 45th president—and constantly losing at every turn. Way back in 2018, a federal court ordered Daniels to pay nearly $300,000 in fees to Trump. This was dragged out all the way to today.

Imagine having to wait that long for justice—after someone wrongly slanders you? But this is the kind of thing the left has been doing to Trump for years. They can’t stand this successful businessman became one of the most successful and popular presidents in our history. And even now, stands to regain the White House after the disaster that has been the Biden administration.

Daniels alleged she had a relationship with Trump years ago. Trump has always denied it. That isn’t grounds to sue, of course. But Daniels hired a shady lawyer to sue Trump over a tweet. This is how far the left has gone to attack Trump—suing him over a tweet. That case was thrown out and now—Daniels has no choice but to pay up.


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