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Judge Rules On Biden’s “Sanctuary Country” Order – It’s A Major Decision For America’s Security

Though we face rampant inflation and war in Europe now, these aren’t the first two crises President Joe Biden has faced.

Right out of the gate, POTUS got hit with skyrocketing migration numbers due to Biden’s rescinding of his predecessor’s border policies. As a result, arrests and encounters jumped sharply.

However, a district judge – appointed by former President Donald Trump – has finally ruled on Biden’s “sanctuary country” orders. And this could be a game-changer for our overwhelmed border authorities.

Back in early 2021, the Biden administration passed a rule that said only undocumented travelers deemed “a public safety threat” or “national security threat” could be deported.

Immediately following this, both Texas and Louisiana successfully sued the administration. And they weren’t the last states to push back against the President’s controversial order.

Montana, Ohio, and Arizona also leveled lawsuits at the administration, all alleging similar complaints.

And now, one district judge has ruled in favor of the plaintiffs, and this could lead to immediately increased security and stability for the country. From Breitbart:

A district judge, appointed by former President Donald Trump, has blocked President Joe Biden’s so-called ‘sanctuary country’ orders that have successfully protected millions of illegal aliens from arrest and deportation over the last year.

On Tuesday, District Judge Michael J. Newman issued a preliminary injunction against Biden’s orders that prevent Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents from arresting and deporting most of the nation’s 11 to 22 million illegal aliens across the United States.

The biggest issue for Judge Newman was actually the financial impact on the states.

In his decision, he stated that the states “have plausibly shown” that Biden’s order requires the states to shoulder the majority of the financial costs associated with protecting illegal residents.

With so many non-citizens evading deportation, the financial and security implications are massive.

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich agreed with the judge’s decision and issued the following statement:

This is a tremendous victory for the rule of law and the safety of our communities.

Since assuming office, the Biden administration has undermined our immigration laws and our law enforcement agencies, while empowering dangerous cartels and criminals on both sides of the border.

I’m grateful for this ruling and for the partnership of Ohio and Montana as we work to reverse this catastrophic lawlessness.

In Fiscal Year 2022, the number of ICE arrests plummeted by almost 50 percent compared to 2019. And deportations have dropped off the map, falling by nearly 80 percent.

This has resulted in a flood of questionable individuals streaming into the country with nothing to stop them. And the consequences can no longer be ignored, as many border authorities have said.

Director of the Immigration Reform Law Institute, Dale Wilcox, also celebrated the judge’s decision:

For a while now, many DHS officials and Republican representatives have criticized the Biden administration for making the crisis worse.

They maintain they’re only asking that we follow existing immigration and citizenship law. And refusing to do that is only hurting our country even more.


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