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Northern State Scores Victory For 2nd Amendment – Noem Just Canceled Concealed Carry Fees In SD

We all know that one of Joe Biden’s top priorities is to infringe on Americans’ Second Amendment rights. Early on in his first year, he called on Congress to pass new restrictions on Americans’ ability to own firearms and purchase ammo. He even tried to use federal agencies to outlaw certain weapons and create a national gun registry.

And, although he is preoccupied with other crises, that agenda hasn’t gone away.

Democrats at the state level love to pass laws restricting Americans’ ability to purchase or own firearms. But thankfully, conservative states have been pushing back, hard. Texas recently passed a ground-breaking bill that empowers all residents to protect themselves. And now, the governor of South Dakota is following in Texas’ footsteps.

From Fox News:

South Dakota Republican Gov. Kristi Noem on Tuesday signed legislation that repeals all concealed carry permit fees in the state…

“This week, I took the step to remove a financial barrier. It shouldn’t cost you a penny to exercise your Second Amendment rights. Government exists to protect our rights, not profit from them.” […]

Noem recently signed other measures into law that strengthen gun rights for residents of the Mount Rushmore State, including Senate Bill 195, which clarifies the state’s Stand Your Ground law, and House Bill 1162, which provides an updated definition of “loaded firearm.”

Oh, Democrats are not going to like this one. Gov. Noem of South Dakota had already sided a constitutional carry, allowing residents to protect themselves. This new law removed the cost of a concealed carry permit, making it easier for those from outside the state to keep themselves and their families safe. The law lowers the cost of a permit to $0. Second Amendment advocates criticized the fees on such permits, saying they were a “tax” on Americans’ right to self-defense.

Gun control has always been a hot issue in the United States. Democrats have fought for years to chip away at our Second Amendment rights. In some states, it is nearly impossible to purchase a firearm, let alone carry it on your person. Hawaii might have the strictest gun control laws; residents cannot even bring their guns from their homes—making self-defense impossible.

Other states have limited what kind of guns an American can purchase, have prevented private sales of guns, or limited ammo capacity. Democrats push these kinds of restrictions, claiming that they are designed to prevent criminals from doing harm. But we all know the statistics. Regions with the harshest gun control laws have the highest rates of crime. So, are these laws really about protecting Americans… or the criminals?

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