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After Nebraska Congressman Convicted Of Lying To FBI – Democrat And GOP House Leaders Join To Demand Resignation

It’s no secret that numerous lawmakers are caught going outside the boundaries of the law. Time and again, we read about congressmen who think they can do whatever they want, and never face consequences. It’s actually quite rare when we see a member of Congress get what they deserve. Usually, it’s because their party works overtime to protect them from punishment.

Not so this time. A Nebraska congressman was caught breaking the law. He went to trial and has now been found guilty.

From Fox News:

A Nebraska congressman was found guilty Thursday in a California courtroom of lying to the FBI about an illegal campaign contribution from 2016.

U.S. Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, 61, was charged last year after being interviewed by two FBI agents who were investigating Nigerian billionaire Gilbert Chagoury who gave Fortenberry a $30,000 campaign contribution at a Los Angeles fundraiser before the 2016 election and has donated to other campaigns.

And now, both parties are calling for his resignation.

From Axios:

Democratic and Republican party leaders in the House on Friday said that Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R-Neb.) should resign his seat after he was convicted of three felonies.

We shouldn’t be surprised to hear that Democrat leaders in the House are demanding Rep. Jeff Fortenberry resign. The Republican congressman was found guilty of falsifying and concealing material facts and two counts of making false statements. Ordinarily, that kind of conviction wouldn’t cost someone their seat in the House. But leaders are pressuring the man to step down.

Republicans are also joining calls for Fortenberry. That’s not too unusual. Republicans are often willing to call out party members, when they are called out for wrongdoing. But, we wonder, what would Democrats be doing right now, if the shoe was on the other foot? Democrats have been recently indicted. Heck, Sen. Bob Menendez was indicted over corruption charges, but his case ended in a convenient mistrial.

Democrats didn’t force him out. They actually defended him.

And let’s not forget about good ol’ Eric Swalwell who was literally in bed with a Chinese spy. Not only have Democrats not forced him to resign from the House, but Pelosi let him stay on the House Intelligence Committee!

Yet when a Republican is outed for doing something wrong, we are obligated to kick him to the curb? Make no mistake, he was charged and found guilty. Making him resign is not unexpected. We’d just like to see Democrats do the same, when their members are convicted.

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