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Joe Manchin Drops Jaws In Latest Admission – The Senator Asks “Why Would It?” Confessing Inflation Reduction Act Won’t Immediately Affect Costs

Joe Manchin betrayed voters and his state when he supported Biden’s latest tax and spending bill.

Experts have shown that this bill will raise taxes and make inflation worse. But when pressed for an answer, Manchin showed he might have lost his ability to think.

From YouTube:

Manchin comes off just like every other D.C. swamp dweller. When asked about this new inflation bill, he dismissed a question about it lowering prices for Americans.

He asked, almost sarcastically, “Why would it?”

Why would it, Manchin? Isn’t that the very reason you supported the bill, to help Americans?

Those experts who analyzed the bill saw taxes on fossil fuels, including coal—a West Virginia industry.

The only groups who seem to come out on top are rich liberals and the “green” industry.

Regular, hard-working Americans will see their taxes go up, along with prices for everything.

Manchin previously promised not to support a bill if it would raise taxes and hurt our economy.

Yet he flip-flopped and passed this, just weeks before Democrats lose Congress. No doubt his party pressured him to do so, to salvage the mid-terms.

But Manchin will have a hard time, in the coming years, explaining why he tanked his own state’s economy.

And I don’t think he will have an answer that will satisfy the folks back home.


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