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Days After Biden Moves To Cancel Title 42 – Three Red States Unload A Major Border Lawsuit

You’ve probably heard about Biden’s attempt to cancel Title 42. This policy was put into place by Trump to secure the Southern border. It gave border agents the power to quickly dispel migrants in order to keep facilities from getting overcrowded.

It was certainly needed in 2020 and there are signs that it must be kept in place today. Many predict an even worse surge at the border than what we’ve already seen if the rule is revoked.

It doesn’t seem Biden is all that concerned. In 2021, two million migrants flooded the border. Already in 2022, one million have made it to our border. How long before the country is overrun? It’s clear we can’t survive this kind of invasion. So, three conservative states are taking the battle to the courts.

From Fox News:

Three Republican states on Monday announced they have filed a lawsuit to stop the Biden administration’s lifting of the Title 42 public health order that has been used to expel a majority of migrants at the southern border — arguing that it was done unlawfully and will have a devastating impact on states.

The attorneys general of Arizona, Louisiana and Missouri are suing over the move to end Title 42, which was implemented by the Trump administration in March 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and allows for the rapid expulsion of migrants at the border, on May 23.

Three states, Arizona, Louisiana, and Missouri are suing Biden to stop the end of Title 42. They are arguing that it is being done unlawfully and will have a “devastating impact” on states.

Many experts predict, even folks on CNN, that a new surge of migrants will hit our border once the rule is revoked. That’s partly because immigration activists in South America are organizing caravans, telling migrants that they will receive a warm welcome at the border.

Plenty of states have sued Joe Biden over his titanic failure on the border. Texas and Florida have sued over his policies that have allowed countless migrants from entering.

The fallout from Biden’s lax approach will have consequences for years to come. We can’t even yet predict how much damage his immigration policies will have on our communities.

Along with migrants, criminals have flooded the border. Biden’s DHS doesn’t even seem concerned that drug runners, smugglers, and human traffickers are using the border like a revolving door. Now, reports indicate that Russian nationals are getting across the border. Yet Biden sits back and does absolutely nothing.

More pressure must be put on his administration if anything is going to change. Republicans must continue to sue—and demand accountability. Should Republicans retake Congress in 2022, much more can be done.

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