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Trump Rocks Latest Midwest Rally – Thousands Flock To See Donald Prepare For Midterms In The State Of Michigan

Trump continues his comeback crusade. Despite Democrats’ best efforts, they have not been able to silence the 45th President of the United States. They kicked him off of social media, but they have not been able to stop him from reaching Americans all over the country.

In recent months, he has been hosting his legendary rallies. And, as we get closer to the 2022 midterms, he is only ramping up his activity.

The 45th president visited some obvious spots, like Georgia, Texas, and Florida. But he’s not stopping there. He vowed to help the GOP win big this election cycle. And he’s making appearances at places you might not expect.

He is rocking the Midwest for sure. And he’s returning to a region that seemingly turned on him in 2020. But that doesn’t seem to be the case, these days.

From YouTube:

Trump appeared at Washington Township, Michigan for one of his “Save America” rallies. Ever since the disaster that was the 2020 Election, Trump has put his efforts into helping Republicans retake Congress. And all signs point to Democrats losing big this election, after their horrible leadership last year and even today.

And Trump was not alone, far from it. The event was packed out, as thousands flocked to see the 45th president.

While at the rally, Trump did what he promised to do, support the GOP. Trump endorsed several candidates running for office out of Michigan. Trump has been very strategic in his endorsements over this year and last. He has thrown his weight behind people who embrace his America First vision.

Also, he has been extremely critical of any Republican who refused to back his calls for election integrity, both during 2020 and now.

And Trump’s endorsement can make or break a candidate. We’ve seen how successful Republican candidates can be when Trump gives them his support. Candidates have even flown to Mar-A-Largo to powwow with Trump and get a picture with him. And those Republicans who reject Trump’s leadership (a shrinking group)? They can’t guarantee a sure victory.

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