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John Durham Fires Urgent Demand At Clinton Judge – Withheld Documents Might Have To Be Broken Open

Special Counsel John Durham’s case against the Hillary Clinton campaign and attorney Michael Sussman rages on.

The case has been on a slow burn for years, and it involves the 2016 presidential election. Specifically, Durham’s team accuses Clinton-connected lawyer Sussman of lying to the FBI about potentially spying on the Trump campaign.

For a long time, some Republican leaders have said that those linked to the Clinton campaign had a hand in illegally spying on Trump’s team.

The allegations extend to Russia as well, which has only put more fuel on the fire. Since that time, Durham has been working to attempt to uncover the truth in court, though it’s been slow going.

Recently, However, Durham Made A Move That Could Bring A Lot More Evidence To Light.

So far, the Clinton campaign and the Democrat Party have withheld certain documents. These are protected under claims of attorney-client privilege, but Durham believes they should be revealed.

According to a Daily Caller report:

Special Counsel John Durham requested in a Wednesday filing that a federal judge review claims of attorney-client privilege issued by Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, the Democratic National Committee and several other entities.

Durham says the documents in question shouldn’t be protected because “they relate to Perkins Coie’s hiring of Fusion GPS to conduct opposition research on then-candidate Donald Trump and not the law firm’s provision of legal advice.”

In this particular case, Durham may have a point.

Prior to this request, the FEC fined both the DNC and the Clinton campaign for claiming payments made to Perkins Coie were for legal consulting and not opposition research.

This isn’t a small number of documents we’re talking about, either: according to the filing, Durham claims that 1,455 documents have been withheld to date, and most of them show “no lawyer listed as a sener, recipient, or copied party.”

Now, the judge has a few options here.

He can just reject Durham’s request outright but he also has the right to review the documents. He could also appoint a “special master” to do it, which has been done in numerous high-profile cases in the past.

Durham specifically asked the judge to review the papers, though. And if he finds that they’re not protected by attorney-client privilege, then he needs to release them to the government.

This Could Represent A Turning Point In The Long-Running Case.

It’s possible that in those 1,455 documents there’s a lot more evidence Durham’s team can use. And they believe they’ve already managed to make some inroads in court, which could ultimately lead to a decision.

Clinton and her campaign have maintained their innocence, saying they had nothing to do with any “spying” on her 2016 opposition.

However, Trump, Durham, and other right-wing leaders claim there’s enough evidence to prove otherwise. And if this treasure trove of documents gets released by the judge, we might finally see some real fireworks.

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