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Curtain Swings Wide Open On Washington Swamp – While Americans Struggle DC Lobbyists Make Major Dough

It’s no secret that Biden’s America-last policies have hurt nearly everyone. That is, almost everyone.

Biden returned us to a time when Americans were ignored and special interest groups come first.

And the stars of the swamp have only gotten richer, as everyone else suffered.

From Daily Caller:

Federal lobbyists have made huge profits in the second quarter of 2022, according to financial disclosures reviewed by Politico, while many Americans continue to feel the effects of inflation and the ongoing energy crisis…

Firms leading the pack for lobbying revenues in the second quarter were Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, and Holland & Knight, reeling in $15.2 million, $12.8 million, and $10.7 million respectively, Politico reported. The largest individual contract, between semiconductor firm Qualcomm and Covington & Burling, was worth $1.4 million.

So, as Americans can’t even afford gas in their cars, lobbyists were landing contracts for their industries.

And that yielded for them millions of dollars in profits.

But Trump was the bad guy, for putting Americans first?

Joe Biden promised to “build back better.” I guess he meant building back the corrupt system that bought and sold the American people?

Biden has failed to make good on any of his campaign promises. Instead, he is responsible for numerous crises at home and abroad.

But he has managed to do is make sure massive corporations (who send jobs overseas while plundering our resources) made out like bandits.

And the left wonders why Trump calls them the enemy of the people?

Perhaps this gravy train will slow down, pretty soon. Americans continue to be enraged by Biden and his party’s unwillingness to fix inflation.

And voters will decide who gets to run Congress for the next few years.

At least a few of these lobbyists will end up with a pay cut.

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