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Biden Waves The White Flag On Gas Prices – Joe Abandons Democrat Plans Hits Play On Oil/Gas Leases

Biden tried to pass the buck on soaring gas prices to Putin. But we have been seeing gas prices (and energy prices) skyrocket since he entered office in 2021.

That’s because Biden pushed a variety of policies reversing the pro-American Energy policies of Trump. It is Biden, not Putin, who is hurting American energy.

Now, it looks like Biden is starting to see the light. But he’s not going far enough.

From Fox News:

The Department of Interior announced Friday that it will resume the sale of oil and gas leases on federal land beginning next week.

The Bureau of Land Management will begin issuing final environmental assessments and sale notices on Monday for future oil and gas projects and will offer for lease “approximately 173 parcels on roughly 144,000 acres, an 80 percent reduction from the acreage originally nominated,” BLM stated.

What. A. Joke. Biden finally gives in and lifts his freeze on drilling, which he claimed wasn’t contributing to the skyrocketing energy prices. But many Americans believed it was, and believe he’s finally giving in.

You’d think that would be a win. But they admit they are only allowing a small portion of land to be used for drilling. Eighty percent of the land requested for drilling will not be used.

How is that going to help us?

Once again, it’s all about appearances for the Biden administration. They create a problem, refuse to do anything to help, then make the smallest effort and claim it’s a win.

They did the same thing in Afghanistan. Biden botched the withdrawal, allowing the Taliban to take over. His State Department scrambled to evacuate Americans, leaving thousands behind.

After a month of chaos and death, the administration tried to spin it as a win—saying it was the largest evacuation effort by the United States.

That’s nothing to brag about, Joe. Neither is this. Biden is only given us 20% of the land available for energy production. Gas prices will stay high.

Biden will do anything he can to prevent helping Americans. At this point, I’d just as assume he’s working for Putin or China.

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