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Durham Makes His Move Against Hillary In Court – New Filing Says Trump/Russia Connection Was “User Created”

Special Counsel John Durham refuses to back down in his court battle against Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussman.

In fact, he continues to deliver court filings that make several bold claims: none bolder than dismissing the infamous Trump/Russia “collusion.”

In His Most Recent Statement, Durham Shoots That Theory Down In Just A Few Short Words.

Durham was responding to objections from Sussman’s defense regarding which evidence could actually be used in the trial.

If you’re not familiar with the case, Sussman is facing charges of lying to the FBI regarding the Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign. And it remains a thorny issue for everyone involved.

Durham has already announced that his team wants to prove that the data Sussman provided was “exploited,” and used to help Clinton campaign spy on Donald Trump.

At the time, this involved Trump Tower, Trump’s Central Park West apartment building, and even the Executive Office of the U.S.

And as for the much-discussed “Trump/Russia” connection, Durham had this to say (via Fox News):

Special Counsel John Durham asserted in a court filing Friday that the CIA concluded data from Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann alleging coordination between Donald Trump and Russia was ‘not technically plausible’ and was ‘user created.’

Durham maintains that the data Sussman provided (but he’s claiming he didn’t) contributed to the “narrative” that Russia helped Trump win the election.

Sussman first told the FBI that he wasn’t doing “work for any client” when he held a meeting where he showed off the alleged “white papers” that proved the Trump/Russia connection theory.

And as far as Durham’s team is concerned, this was a lie:

The indictment alleges that Sussmann lied in the meeting, ‘falsely stating to the general counsel that he was not providing the allegations to the FBI on behalf of any client.’

Sussman has plead not guilty.

However, the fabric of the popular Democrat-led story that Russia helped Trump win in 2016 is unraveling fast. Many claim it has already been debunked.

And if this case goes the way Durham’s team hopes it does, Hillary Clinton and her colleagues might also have some tough questions to answer.

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