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After Biden’s Delaware Visitor Records Requested – Secret Service Actually Says There Are ‘No Records’

So, Jen Psaki once claimed that the Biden administration is the “most transparent administration in our nation’s history.”

Really? Then why did they hide the names of the people buying Hunter Biden’s paintings?

And why now are we learning that the Secret Service refuses to tell us who visited Biden at his Delaware home? Because they didn’t bother keeping records.

From NY Post:

The US Secret Service has dubiously claimed to The Post that it has “no records” of visitors to President Biden’s two Delaware residences and therefore cannot divulge that information in response to a Freedom of Information Act request.

Biden was at his residences in Wilmington and Rehoboth Beach on about one-quarter of all days during his first year in office, but little is known about who stopped by for official meetings or less formal lobbying efforts — such as by members of his family and their associates.

This is disturbing. The Secret Service does not have any records of who was visiting Biden at his Delaware homes.

Biden spent ¼ of all his time as “president” last year at those houses. Are we supposed to believe nobody was visiting him?

This is a man whose family has a sketchy past. A man many Americans questions over his relationship with Chinese and Russian businesses.

Let’s not forget, that his son is currently under FBI investigation. I think it’s safe to say we need to know who he is meeting.

Keep in mind, that one of his allies is Hillary Clinton. Many people believe she hid the fact she was using the State Department to score favors and big bucks from foreign powers.

Now, we are told we have no idea who was meeting with Biden (and his people) at his Delaware residences?

How are we not supposed to worry this was a deliberate ploy by the least transparent administration to hide who he’s seeing?

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