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Rachel Maddow Makes Head-Turning SCOTUS Claim – She Says If GOP Wins White House In 2024 Nationwide Ban Could Be Coming

Democrats have been melting down ever since the leaked SCOTUS draft hit the news. Liberals are panicking that the highest court will overrule Roe v. Wade.

Experts predict that if that happens, the states will regain power to pass their own abortion laws.

But some leftists, eager to use this to manipulate the upcoming midterms, are making wild claims.

From Fox News:

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow offered a prediction of what will happen in America following the unprecedented leak from the Supreme Court showing the majority of justices intend on overturning Roe v. Wade…

“If the ultimate ruling from the court is going to look anything like this- and we’re going into a midterm season where the Republicans are poised to take the House and the Senate… But if in the event that we had a Republican president and 2024, that’s where we’d be. We’d be at, you know, South America-style nationwide abortion ban in America.”

Leave it to a Democrat to make this about politics. Forget about the whole, “protecting unborn children” thing.

No, Rachel Maddow quickly pivoted to exploit the news about a possible Roe v. Wade overturn to how it would impact the midterms.

The far-left host claimed that if Republicans retake Congress, they will try to push a “complete ban” on abortion, nationwide.

That’s not what the court is deciding, nor is it something Republicans are talking about.

Now, to be honest, an outright ban on abortion is something millions of Americans want.

But Maddow is saying this in a pathetic attempt to make the news politics. Perhaps to scare enough voters into supporting Democrats in November, to avoid this hypothetical situation.

You see? She isn’t really concerned about “pro-choice” or “pro-life.” She is only trying to use this news to manipulate the midterms when polls have predicted Democrats are going to lose many seats.

It appears the left is over-estimating how many Americans are actually pro-choice. We know Democrats support this practice, because of how much it profits their re-election campaigns.

But the average American might not be motivated to vote for Democrats if the courts end Roe. In fact, this might encourage even more people to vote Republican.

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