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20 Red States Go After Biden’s DHS – They Are Planning Major Lawsuit To Stop Joe’s Disinformation Board

With all the news on the Supreme Court, some might have forgotten Joe’s scheme to undermine free speech.

Biden’s DHS still plans on forming a “disinformation” board, whose goals and agenda remain in the shadows.

Both Republican and Democrat lawmakers have opposed this board. And now, 20 red states are taking action.

From Fox News:

Republican-led states are threatening legal action against Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) new “Disinformation Governance Board,” which they deem “un-American” and chilling to the free speech of Americans…

“This is an unacceptable and downright alarming encroachment on every citizen’s right to express his or her opinions, engage in political debate, and disagree with the government,” write the 20 attorneys general in a letter exclusively obtained by Fox News Digital.

Twenty state attorneys general sent a letter to DHS head Mayorkas. They are demanding answers over his “disinformation” board.

And they are threatening legal action if this board goes ahead as planned.

Democrats and Republicans from the House have openly criticized Biden’s agenda. They have criticized a government-run board that would regulate “disinformation.”

Some of them have already called for this board to be canceled.

But these attorneys general could do more than complain. They have the power to take this issue to the courts.

The fact that twenty states are getting involved shows just how serious this issue is. Honestly, all 50 states should be signing onto this letter, regardless of which party runs the state government.

Nobody in America should be okay with a “disinformation” board run by DHS. The First Amendment forbids the government from doing anything restricting free speech.

Even calling speech “disinformation” doesn’t excuse attempts to censor free speech.

But Biden is unwilling to change his plans, from just a letter. Legal action might be the only thing that shuts this board down for good.

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