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After Manchin Joins GOP To Shut Down Democrats – Joe’s Own Party Goes After Him Calls For Striking Down Filibuster

Democrats went too far in their attempt to “codify” Roe v. Wade. Their abortion bill would undermine 500 state laws. So, naturally, moderate Sen. Joe Manchin voted against it.

It didn’t take long for Democrats to break down. And they exposed their own un-democratic views.

Here’s socialist Warren’s hot take.

From Twitter:

Dang, Liz. Don’t you think before you talk? Democracy exists to give the minority a voice. And, wait a minute, haven’t Democrats fought for decades to give minorities a voice?

I guess that doesn’t matter, when you have power to grab. More incoming insanity.

From Fox News:

Liberal pundits and celebrities tweeted against Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., on Wednesday, after saying he’d vote against his party’s abortion bill…

Actress Nancy Lee Grahn claimed the senator didn’t know what he was talking about in a profanity-laced tweet…

Author and political analyst Jared Yates Sexton called it a “problem” for Manchin to be allowed in the Democratic Party.

Wow, you can almost taste the outrage (that’s the kind of thing Joe would say…). Joe Manchin did the right thing by refusing to vote for Schumer’s extreme abortion bill.

The bill would have violated the religious rights of Christian doctors, forcing them to perform abortions.

It would have also allowed abortion-on-demand, all the way up to the 9th month of pregnancy.

Nothing like that is permitted in Roe. And many state laws restrict and regulate the practice.

Yet Democrats prove they care more about power than respecting our legislative process. Warren crowed on and on about how the filibuster needed to go.

Even though she and her party have used it countless times to prevent bills from being passed.

Other attacked Manchin, saying it was a “problem” that the man is allowed by the Democratic Party. Oh really? You get to decide who is in the party?

I thought this was a democracy—where the people elect candidates to represent them. Not a dictatorship where angry leftists online get to decide who can be in a party—or decide laws.

This entire Supreme Court debacle has only served to expose the Democratic Party’s radical agenda. They don’t care about the solemn duty of the Supreme Court, unless it votes their way.

And they don’t like safeguards like the filibuster—unless they are using it.

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