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Hours After Kamala Says the Border is “Secure,” Democrat Joe Manchin Quickly Sets the Record Straight

Despite alarming numbers reported by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and border officials, the Biden administration continues to downplay the border crisis.

The White House has repeatedly claimed that illegal migrants “aren’t waltzing across the border,” though southern state leaders and border agents keep issuing warnings and begging for help.

Now, one of the most high-profile Democrats in the country has called out the administration on this issue.

The latest statistics from border authorities speak to a serious problem: for instance, as one agent told Fox News, they’ve apprehended “over 2 million” undocumented foreigners this year so far.

They even set a “single day apprehension record just last week”: over 8,000 illegals in one day.

All of this directly contradicts what Vice President Kamala Harris said over the weekend. While she admitted we have a “broken immigration system,” she also claimed the border is “secure.”

And she managed to blame former President Donald Trump.

This didn’t exactly fly with certain politicians, especially on the Republican side.

However, it didn’t go over well with Democrat Joe Manchin (WV), either. He’s been a thorn in his party’s side on a number of major issues in the past few years, and he’s not afraid to speak up now.

During this week’s “Special Report” on Fox, Manchin claimed Harris is “dead wrong” in saying the border is secure.

In response to host Bret Baier citing Harris’ statements, Manchin said:

It’s wrong. She’s dead wrong on that. And I have said this, if we don’t secure — I voted every time for the wall. But we need the wall and a lot more, technology, more agents.

…for anybody, the Vice President, the President, anybody to say that our borders are secure, that is not accurate. I’ve been there. It’s wrong.

Sen. Manchin added that he had a piece of legislation in the works back in 2013 that could’ve fixed the issue, but didn’t make it through the Republican-led House due to amnesty concerns.

Either way, he’s one of many critics who have ripped the Biden administration for completely failing to address the border crisis.

One border boss said we have this problem precisely because of President Biden’s “no consequences” policy, which has led directly to these historic surges. It’s also a clear humanitarian issue.

And if things continue to get worse, expect voters to respond in the midterm elections — and if nothing changes down south, in the 2024 presidential election.

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