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Donald Trump Just Racked Up A Mixed Voting Card – He Scores 3 Major Victories But One Significant Loss During Primaries

The 2022 midterms are shaping up to be a referendum on Biden’s administration. And boy, is he in trouble.

People who voted for old Joe in 2020 are ready to send him a message. And it seems a familiar face is making a huge difference in the season: Donald Trump.

He’s already made a splash this primary season and his win streak is continuing.

From Fox News:

Rep. Alex Mooney is projected by the Associated Press as the winner in the GOP congressional primary in West Virginia’s 2nd District in a battle with fellow Republican Rep. David McKinley.

And while former President Donald Trump wasn’t on the ballot, his prestige within the GOP was very much on the line in a bitter contest between two incumbent lawmakers, as Trump had endorsed Mooney.

Trump continued a streak of helping GOP candidates win primary races. His record is strong, with only one notable loss

From Breitbart:

Candidates backed by former President Donald Trump are now 58-1 in Republican primaries, as three Trump-endorsed candidates secured the Republican nominations in their respective races in West Virginia and Nebraska Tuesday, while one candidate came up short…

The first snag in the road for a Trump-endorsed candidate occurred in Nebraska’s gubernatorial race Tuesday as Charles Herbster, a wealthy agriculture businessman, lost his bid for the GOP’s nomination.

So far, Trump’s candidates have won 58-1 in this primary cycle. In states like Texas, West Virginia, Ohio, and Indiana, Republicans backed by the 45th president have won their races handily.

This includes the victory of Alex Mooney, who faced a dogged fight against another incumbent, David McKinley.

McKinley enjoyed the endorsement of Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin, who appeared on a TV spot for him. But the Republican suffered after Trump backed Mooney—who pointed out that McKinley voted against Trump after the 2020 Election.

The only loss in Trump’s column was for Nebraska governor. He backed Republican Charles Herbster. But the loss does not appear to be a sign of Trump’s lack of influence.

Herbster’s campaign was shaken by allegations just a month before the primary election. He was accused of inappropriate behavior towards multiple women. Even a Trump endorsement can’t shake what could be credible allegations.

These victories are more clear signs that Trump is a force to be reckoned with. Democrats should be very scared.

If Trump continues to have this much influence, as Joe Biden’s failures tank his party, what does that mean for 2024?

Even if Trump doesn’t win, he’ll throw all his clout behind the GOP candidate. Democrats will not be able to stop his influence from having a big impact on that race.

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