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Fetterman Mentally Falls Apart Over Biden Question – Asked if Joe Should Run, He Says It’s a “Decision for Joe Been”

What’s Happening:

We’ve been watching Democrat candidate for Pennsylvania senator John Fetterman for a while now. And it looks like the man could be in trouble.

He’s in a close race with Republican Mehmet Oz. Fetterman might be far from fit for running, though, based on many recent public appearances.

Recently, he was asked a simple question during an interview. The reporter wanted to know Fetterman’s views on Joe Biden’s 2024 future–a common question these days.

This is what Fetterman said. From YouTube:

Um… wow. A reporter asked John Fetterman, a Democrat running to be PA senator if Joe Biden should run for re-election.

Fetterman appeared to show support for Biden–except he called the man “Joe Been.” I know, we all make mistakes, but this is part of an ongoing problem we’ve seen from Fetterman.

The Democrat suffered a stroke during the summer. His campaign claims he’s fully recovered, but he continues to show signs that he is not well. Fetterman has appeared sluggish and confused during speeches–which only last 5 minutes. He seems to be as forgetful and tired as Joe Biden himself.

(And that’s not getting into his radical views that should have many questioning his mental stability.)

Yet again, the Democratic Party appears to be hiding the mental state of one of its candidates. Fetterman also said that the decision for Biden to run against is Joe’s and Joe’s only. Not quite, Fetterman. The decision is with voters, not Joe. Even if Joe runs again, he needs to be nominated, the same as anyone else.

It’s startling that Fetterman forgot this critical part of the equation. Perhaps his mental faculties are worse than we feared?

Fetterman is running against Mehmet Oz, TV’s famed “Doctor Oz.” The Republican candidate has received little love from the media. Despite this, one recent poll has him very close with Fetterman. As Fetterman continues to stumble, showing signs of mental decline, Oz could gain more support. This race is far from settled. Anything in the coming days or weeks can decide who will represent Pennsylvania.

For Democrats not to explain Fetterman’s apparent health problems, though, is deeply troubling.

Key Takeaways:

  • John Fetterman once again showed signs he has not recovered from a stroke.
  • Answering a question about Joe Biden, he called him “Joe Been.”
  • Fetterman has appeared confused and tired during short speeches.

Source: YouTube

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