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Washington Rocked By Supreme Court Memo – SCOTUS Building Gets Fire Threat Justice Lives In Danger

When the news broke that the Supreme Court was prepared to strike down Roe v. Wade, the entire country flew into a frenzy.

The leak has been widely condemned on both sides of the aisle, but the damage has already been done. Mass protesting and whispers of rioting and more violence continue to dominate headlines.

Now, We Learn That Washington Itself Could Be In Very Serious Danger.

We’ve already seen pro-choice protesters descend on the homes of Supreme Court justices. But if a leaked Department of Homeland Security (DHS) memo is any indication, that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

The more vocal liberals have already warned that if Roe v. Wade is overturned, we should expect extensive protesting around the country.

This has raised the alarm for authorities: just how far will these protesters go? If they had the nerve to go to the personal homes of Justices, what might they be capable of?

As it turns out, DHS is prepared to deal with numerous disturbing threats, and it seems they have good reason to ramp up security now. Marching in the streets might be the least of their problems.

Via The Daily Wire:

Pro-abortion extremists are reportedly threatening to burn down the Supreme Court building and murder justices and the clerks, prompting law enforcement to ready itself for political violence should Roe v. Wade be overturned.

As first obtained by Axios, a DHS memo dated May 13 shows that government officials are investigating a variety of threats against high court justices, clerks, churches, and abortion clinics.

The leaked memo adds that such threats “Are Likely To Persist And May Increase Leading Up To And Following The Issuing Of The Court’s Official Ruling.”

On top of that, the evidence shows that abortion extremists are trying to link the pro-life movement to white supremacy, and believe that the violence will come from this side

Either way, though, DHS is preparing to respond to any violence that may erupt as a result of the upcoming decision. A spokesperson said the agency is “committed to protecting freedom of speech and other civil rights.”

At the same time, they’re working to “prevent all forms of violence, and to support law enforcement efforts to keep our communities safe.”

Everyone is concerned that the leak sets a bad precedent, and America is already dealing with early fallout. No matter what the Court decides now, it’s possible we’ll see an eruption in protesting around the nation.

And when we’re talking about the lives of Supreme Court justices, and possibly burning down the Court’s iconic building — that’s when officials and authorities need to step up.


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