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Trump Faces Off Against Biden And Harris – In 2024 Election Poll Donald Fares Much Better Than DeSantis Against Joe And Kamala

The midterm elections are coming up fast and beyond that, the 2024 Presidential Election looms large. Currently, Republicans are hoping for a dramatic shift in power on Capitol Hill.

Most politicos and experts are predicting a potential “red wave” this fall, as the GOP expects to flip the House and possibly the Senate. Then they’ll fix their sights on the White House.

And Right Now, There’s One Clear Front-Runner For The Republican Party.

Former President Donald Trump has remained a force in the GOP ever since leaving Washington, and he continues to wield immense power and influence in his party.

He routinely tops internal polling for the Republican 2024 presidential nomination, and he’s usually leading by a large amount. However, many wonder how he might stack up against the Democrat competition.

Enter a Harvard-Harris survey, conducted in May that pits Trump against current President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

The poll is gaining plenty of attention, especially because it shows that a whopping 68 percent of the country believes we’re on the “wrong track.” It also shows a drop in support for Biden.

As for Trump vs. Biden vs. Harris:

Trump leads Biden by 3 and Harris by 7, while Harris manages to stay ahead of the GOP’s runner-up right now, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

Of note, less than half the country (47 percent) said the U.S. was on the wrong track a year ago. Now that has soared over 20 percentage points, which is a bad sign for the Biden administration.

Most of those polled – 56 percent – say their financial situation is “getting worse” under Biden as well, and that’s the highest percentage so far recorded by this survey.

Overall, a disturbing 55 percent disapprove of Biden while most – 40 percent – “strongly disapprove.” This points toward a radical change in D.C. in the coming months and years, and it’s of definite concern for the party in power.

Trump hasn’t confirmed he will run in 2024, though he’s hinted at another campaign numerous times.

Furthermore, Biden has announced he intends to go for another term, so Trump vs. Biden Round 2 is a distinct possibility. However, not all Republican leaders think “The Donald” is their best shot at victory.

Some say the firebrand Republican is simply too controversial, which is why some are turning toward the likes of DeSantis.

Even so, this poll is clear: if Trump were to run against either Biden or Harris today, he’d have a good shot at winning. And that alone should be enough to worry Democrats.

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