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Joe Brings In His ‘Good Friend’ Clinton Advisor Podesta

As we’ve seen over the last two years, the Biden White House is experiencing a shake-up. Yet another close member of his team is fleeing for the hills before the midterms.

From CBS News:

White House national climate adviser Gina McCarthy is stepping down on Sept. 16, the White House announced Friday, weeks after President Joe Biden signed major legislation to combat climate change.

But never fear! Because is bringing on a familiar name to be his “senior adviser” on clean energy.

Someone conservatives will recognize. To their dread.

From Breitbart:

President Joe Biden welcomed John Podesta, one of Washington’s biggest swamp creatures, back to the White House on Wednesday.

“John is a good friend,” Biden said, speaking to reporters during a cabinet meeting at the White House. “This is his first day on his new job.”

Yuck. With friends like these… who needs enemies?

One of the swamp’s deepest, dirtiest creatures is returning to the White House.

Joe Biden called Hillary Clinton stooge John Podesta a “good friend.” He is making this longtime D.C. goon his senior adviser on clean energy innovation and implementation.

So, why is John Podesta suddenly an expert on clean energy and innovation? He is a politics man, who helped run Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign.

Now suddenly he is qualified to advise Joe on something as important (to some) as clean energy and innovation?

Why isn’t Biden finding someone who actually works on clean energy technology? Why not tap Elon Musk, who literally runs the best-known EV company?

Instead, Biden is once again stacking his ranks with political henchmen. Loyal leftists to whom Biden owes much.

But this is bad news for America. Podesta is far from an admirable man. His family is as mired in controversy as the Clintons and Bidens.

This post is less about clean energy and more about giving Podesta access to the most powerful office in the country.

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