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California Election Overturned After Scandal Breaks – Original Victor Charged With Electoral “Conspiracy”

For years, election integrity has been a major issue of discussion. Republicans and Democrats alike have leveled a slew of allegations in the wake of recent elections.

While most left-wingers do not believe in “stolen” elections, there is ample evidence that our voting system is flawed.

In Local Elections, These Issues Include Voter Fraud And Bribery.

Because of some very serious charges, the city council of Compton, California was forced to reject the results of an election this week.

Isaac Galvan appeared to have won a close race: he appeared to have won his seat by by one vote.

His history, however, has come back to haunt him. Galvan was detained and charged last year, and the accusations he faces are related to election integrity.

This news adds to Americans’ skepticism of certain components of our system.

From Breitbart:

An election to the Compton, California city council has been overturned due to the discovery of election fraud in a close race in which the winning candidate has been charged with voter fraud and bribery.

Compton City Council member Isaac Galvan, who appeared to win his seat by the slimmest possible margin of one vote, was arrested last year, along with five other people, and charged with conspiracy to commit election fraud.

Last Monday, a judge declared that challenger Andre Spicer would win.

That’s because four votes were declared invalid in the election because they were cast by people who didn’t live in the district.

The report was corroborated by the Los Angeles Times, and it has subsequently made national news headlines.

Galvan was accused by prosecutors of conniving with primary opponent Jace Dawson to get voters from outside the district to vote for him.

Galvan has also been accused of attempting to bribe an election official with concert tickets, which is yet another voting-related offense.

Even though it was a modest amount of votes, it clearly had an impact on the election’s outcome.

Many people are concerned that if this can happen at the state level, it could happen at the federal level as well. The scope of the project could also be substantially broader.

As the midterm elections approach, anticipate more worries about election integrity to surface.

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