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Biden Just Suffered Through His Worst Week Yet – At The White House 3 More Top Democrat Staffers Jumped Ship

Amid slumping poll numbers and record-high gas prices, the Joe Biden administration might be in its toughest position yet.

Most surveys show a heavy leaning toward Republicans for the midterm elections, and Democrat support for the President also appears to be waning. Inflation and the border crisis also continue to hurt Biden’s reputation.

In Addition, According To News From Capitol Hill, Biden’s Team Has Become Increasingly Fractured.

Over the past year or so, there have been numerous reports of administration staffers who have abandoned the administration. Vice President Kamala Harris has also suffered through an exodus of aides.

And last week, Biden saw even more staffers disappear — which adds to the whispers that many are not happy with the President’s position.

In less than 7 days, 3 more top White House employees have jumped ship, starting with Rapid Response Director Mike Gwin. Gwin held the position since Biden swore him in, but now he’s headed to the Treasury Department.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre also confirmed last Wednesday that assistant press secretary Vedant Patel was leaving to become principal deputy spokesperson at the State Department.

Lastly, press office chief of staff Amanda Finney is moving to the Energy Department. And according to an NBC report:

…the West Wing is in for a significant shakeup over Biden’s stagnant and slumped polling numbers.

More than a dozen top aides have left Vice President Kamala Harris’s office in the last year, and more than 20 black staffers have allegedly left the White House since late 2021, according to the NY Post.

It doesn’t seem as if the exodus will end here, either.

We’ve heard rumors that chief of staff Ron Klain will be disappearing after the midterms, which would be a significant departure in Washington.

The Biden administration has stated that moving people from position to position is normal, but this seems to be happening consistently for long periods of time. And those leaving seem to be distancing themselves from the White House.

The American public tends to view these departures as more bad news for the administration.

Most point toward the sinking poll numbers (in some cases, evidently record-setting) as reason for these departures. And just recently, we’ve heard Biden himself is frustrated with his team.

For now, it would appear the White House isn’t on solid footing, and that goes double when considering the upcoming midterm elections.

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