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New Supreme Court Justice Jackson Could Be In Trouble – She’s Caught Giving A Round Of Applause Against The 2nd Amendment

Americans sounded the alarm when Joe Biden nominated a far-left activist to the Supreme Court. Despite major warnings about her credentials, Republicans like Susan Collins supported her appointment.

Brown Jackson will be replacing retiring Justice Breyer who, while liberal, was considered moderate in his views.

It doesn’t seem she shares that sentiment, especially on one major issue.

From Townhall:

Supreme Court-designate Ketanji Brown Jackson didn’t attempt to stay neutral on a gun control issue that could land before the high court one day.

During a commencement address at Harvard University last week, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern listed several items her government has accomplished in recent years, including “banning military-style semi-automatics and assault rifles.”

Jackson, who was sitting near Ardern, was seen applauding while the graduates gave a standing ovation.

During a graduation at Harvard, the New Zealand prime minister crowed on and on about the radical gun control they enacted in the country.

The PM revealed they banned “military-style” “assault rifles.” Those are the typical inaccurate words the left uses to describe firearms like AR-15s, which are not used in the military.

As the leftist yahoos in the stands stood up to applaud such a gross violation of liberty, Ketanji Brown Jackson was seen clapping as well.

Does this mean she is in support of banning firearms that the Second Amendment protects us from losing?

Probably. This is the same woman who refused to define the word “woman” during her hearings. A woman who, as a public defender, was eager to advocate for Gitmo prisoners.

Why wouldn’t she support the destruction of one of our most important freedoms?

As the court stands now, Jackson’s vote will not be enough to sway a decision on gun rights. But the court won’t look like it does now, forever.

As conservative justices like Clarence Thomas retire, future presidents will be able to sway the court by adding more radicals to the bench.

Democrats will be eager to add more justices like Jackson to the court. And they will, if Americans keep supporting this anti-Second Amendment party.

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