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Late-Night Comedians Just Betrayed Biden – Fallon And Noah Joke About Joe’s Retirement And Approval Rating

When Donald Trump was president, you could count on late-night hosts attacking him from all corners.

But when old Joe stepped into the White House, mum was the word.

It seems, though, that Biden’s approval has sunk so low that even these cheerleaders are turning on him.

From Twitter:

Fallon on Fauci saying he’ll retire: “Everyone” is hoping Biden announces his retirement next

Not to be outdone by Jimmy, Trevor Noah fired a few shots of his own.

From The Daily Caller (jump to the comments at 3:30):

“After being unable to accomplish anything that Joe Biden’s campaigned on, the president’s approval rating is now hovering somewhere between long-Covid and the Uvalde Police Departments and making matters worse for him is a run-away inflation, right.”

I guess the late-night hosts got a memo from the DNC. It’s open season against Biden as the party is trying to salvage what will be a devastating midterm cycle.

Late-night hosts Jilly Fallon and Trevor Noah laid into Biden this week, with jokes hitting Biden’s low approval and terrible performance.

Fallon opened up with a joke about Biden’s infamous fist bump, claiming that was just Joe trying to punch the guy.

He then mentioned the good news that Anthony Fauci is retiring at the end of Biden’s term, leading into a joke about old Joe leaving too.

Trevor Noah was brutal with Sleepy Joe. He opened by saying Biden has not accomplished “anything.”

He then said Biden’s approval is now “hovering” between “long-COVID and the Uvalde Police Departments.”

Ouch. Really good jokes, and entirely appropriate. It seems the gloves are off for some of these late-night hosts.

Missing from the pile-on was Jimmy Kimmel, who recently had Joe Biden on for an awkward and unsettling interview.

Nor has Stephen Colbert—who all but became a Marxist during Trump’s time—bothered to openly mock Biden.

But as Biden’s approval continues to crater, more leftists will distance themselves from him. At least we’ll get a few jokes out of it.

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