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After Biden Crashes Off His Bicycle – Joe’s Latest Approval Ratings Go Right Along With Him

Just when you thought Biden couldn’t get any lower…

For some reason, the people who make Biden’s decisions for him thought he could at least ride a bike.


From Fox News:

Biden took a tumble off his bike Saturday morning after he stopped by a group of reporters and members of the public while out for a ride in Delaware with first lady Jill Biden…

In a statement to Fox News a White House official said, “The President said, his foot got caught on the pedal while dismounting and he is fine. No medical attention is needed.”

I never saw Trump, Obama, or even Bush fall off a bike, while it wasn’t even moving. But the moment is a perfect analogy for his presidency.

Oh, the latest approval numbers are in, and… ouch.

From OANN:

According to data collected by Civiqs, Biden’s job approval fell to 32 percent in June, which down from 34 percent in May. This marks its lowest level since the Democrat took office last year.

This is pretty bad. CIVIQS released its latest approval poll for Biden. And it’s the worst we’ve seen.

Only 32% of those polled approve of Biden’s performance. That’s worse than the 33% we saw months ago.

A staggering 57% of those polled do not approve of Biden’s performance. And he has a net approval rating of -25, something you don’t expect from a Democrat president.

At least you can hope that the liberal media can prop up a failed liberal POTUS. But not even CNN can polish this administration.

Even with puff pieces and some reporters spinning Biden’s administration, Joe only has 32% approval.

Statistically speaking, can it get even lower? Those numbers include a hefty portion of liberal voters who are giving him an “F.”

It’s not a huge surprise, though. The biggest thing on most Americans’ minds, this Summer, has been the historically high gas prices.

With each passing month, we learn that inflation isn’t getting any better. And that’s directly due to the staggering cost of fuel.

Yet Biden and his administration refuse to lift restrictions that are limiting supply, just as we need it most.


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