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Ex-Senior Adviser To Bill Clinton: “Hillary Clinton will run again for president in 2024 to stop Donald Trump, I think Trump is going to win handily

An ex-senior adviser to former President Bill Clinton, Dick Morris, predicted Tuesday that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would throw her hat in the ring once again and run for president in 2024.

The whisper campaign for Hillary has started in certain Dem circles and will only grow louder as President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris sinker lower in the polls. No one in America thinks either can turn it around so who to run in 2024?

Morris also thinks Trump will be the GOP nominee so the question is who can run and beat Trump? Morris breaks down what is happening on the left and how a weak field will lead us back to a 2016 rematch.

Morris said of Trump:

“Yes, and he’ll be the Republican nominee. He will probably get it by acclamation.

“I don’t think there’ll be a primary. He will win the election.

“And his opponent is going to be Hillary Clinton.”

“Let me explain that.

“Already the Democrats are pressuring Biden not to run because they see what a disaster he would be.

“And Harris is no better.

“Biden will resist but ultimately have to cave to left-wing and media pressure and not run again.

“The Democrats also know Kamala Harris is also a disaster and cannot be their candidate. Trump will easily defeat her.

“The Democrats, increasingly desperate, will search for a candidate who can both unite the party and stop Trump.

“They are looking at people like Calif. Gov. Gavin Newsom, Colorado Governor Jared Polis, and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

“But ultimately the left is going to have their candidates, and they’ll probably run Sanders or maybe AOC, and that will trigger Hillary into the race in order to save the Democratic Party from the left rerunning the Hillary Sanders race of 16.

‘Pressure will grow on Hillary Clinton to enter the race.

“Much like Biden’s surprise entrance in 2020, Democrats will see her as their savior, an experienced politician able to bridge the left and more moderate wings of the party.

“And I think Hillary will win that contest.

“I think she and Trump will face it off, and I think Trump is going to win handily,” he said.

According to The Washington Times:

“President Biden‘s overall and economic approval numbers have fallen to the lowest level of his presidency, dropping below the worst poll numbers for former Presidents Donald Trump and Barack Obama, according to CNBC’s All-America Economic Survey.

“Just 30% of Americans approved of Mr. Biden‘s handling of the economy, a 5-point drop from the previous survey in April, according to the poll released late Monday.

“The poll found the president’s economic performance is supported by 25% of independents, 6% of Republicans and 58% of Democrats, a stunningly low number within the president’s party.”

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