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D.C. Mayor Begs For Help With Migrants

For years now, various authorities and Republican leaders have tried to call attention to the border crisis. Since Joe Biden took office and reversed his predecessor’s policies, things appear to have gotten worse.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has continued to release concerning year-over-year numbers, and reports say that over 1 million illegal travelers entered the U.S. in 2021, with another 800,000 that evaded authorities entirely.

Now, Suddenly One Democrat Leader Is Looking For Help In Dealing With The Influx — Because It’s Happening In Washington D.C.

Busloads of unauthorized migrants have been coming into D.C. and leftist Mayor Muriel Bowser is begging for help. She even wants to call in the National Guard:

With pledges from Texas and Arizona to continue these abhorrent operations indefinitely, the situation is dire, and we consider this a humanitarian crisis — one that could overwhelm our social support network without immediate and sustained federal intervention.

Bowser blames Texas and Arizona for busing the migrants in, but Republican leaders in those states were quick to fire back.

Their states have faced the ongoing flood of illegal migrants for a long time now, and in vastly greater numbers simply because they’re near the southern border. And they continually request help from Washington.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott fired off a quick reality check for Mayor Bowser on Twitter:

Bowser said she expects this “humanitarian crisis” to escalate in the future, as the number of border crossers seeking asylum will increase.

To many right-wing citizens and GOP members, it sounds like Democrats only care about the border crisis when they feel the impact on their own doorsteps. Now that it’s hitting D.C. hard, they’re reacting.

Gov. Abbott’s spokeswoman, Renae Eze, told the Washington Examiner that the Democrats in Washington finally realize “what Texans have been dealing with every single day,” due to “President Biden’s open border policies.”

Many have accused the Biden administration of being completely tone-deaf on this issue.

For instance, Biden recently floated the idea of giving temporary IDs to border crossers the instant they arrive, so they can more easily obtain state assistance. To many, that feels like a step backwards.

And with the border becoming increasingly unstable according to officials, the entire nation is starting to feel the impact of having very little immigration law enforcement.

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