New Jersey Democrat Leader Caught In Hit-And-Run Video

Elected officials are often in the spotlight, so when they do something that’s blatantly wrong – and it’s caught on camera – their careers hit a serious roadblock.

New Jersey councilwoman Amy DeGise was involved in a hit-and-run incident on July 19, which involved plowing into a bicyclist and speeding away from the scene of the crime.

That Might’ve Been The Mistake That Cost Her Everything — Because Now Her Colleagues Are Demanding That She Resign.

DeGise’s black Nissan Rogue rammed into the bicycle of UberEats delivery man Andrew Black at 8 a.m. The accident happened at an intersection and the impact was so intense, Black’s shoes came off.

His bicycle was obviously wrecked as well, and he flipped painfully onto the pavement.

Despite this, however, DeGise didn’t stick around and see if Black was okay. She fled the scene and the situation has gotten plenty of attention on social media networks.

The video is also making the rounds; traffic cameras caught the disturbing incident clearly:

It seems as if DeGise didn’t even try to slow down, and then she never stopped.

As for Black, he explains the accident as follows to HudPost:

I come up to a light, and I have the right-of-way, and right before I get hit, I look left, suddenly I just hear ‘Ba!’

And then I just get hit, and then I hit the hood, and I roll over, and I’m in such pain.

However, it looks like Black isn’t correct in this case, as it appears DeGise had the right of way. Even so, it’s certainly not a good idea to leave the scene of an accident, especially when personal injury is involved.

Afterward, she was reportedly given a summons for leaving the scene and failing to report it, so this has all the makings of a definite scandal.

DeGise’s colleagues are also calling for her to step down. As Councilman Frank Gilmore told WNBC:

Past being elected, it’s a living human being – it was really hard for me to witness that.

It’s a matter of public trust, it’s a matter of respect, it’s a matter of human decency.

Jersey City councilmember James Solomon went a step further and said he was “horrified” watching the video. He added that DeGise is an elected official and “we’re supposed to hold ourselves to a higher standard.”

Solomon agreed that she should resign, as did former Councilman Chris Gadsden, who said on Twitter that “We Have No Other Choice But To Ask Her To Step Down.

Strangely, this isn’t DeGise’s first brush with the law.

Back in November, she parked illegally and was caught driving with a registration that had expired in 2019. Her car was ultimately hit because it was parked in the wrong place.

Police body cam footage came out shortly after, and it shows DeGise trying to get out of it by saying she had a relative who was “an officer,” and then saying she “was endorsed by the police in Jersey City.”

Unfortunately for DeGise, the officer wasn’t buying any of it, and he impounded the vehicle and gave her the ticket.

Chances are, she’s not going to get off lightly after this hit-and-run incident, either. And no matter what happens, it seems likely that her career as a councilwoman is coming to a close.

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