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BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi And General Milley On HIGH ALERT- HBREAKING: Nancy Pelosi And General Milley On HIGH ALERT- Here’s What We Knowere’s What We Know

No matter how much we despise Biden’s regime of Socialists who are deliberately destroying America, causing us all to suffer all in the name of THE LIBERAL WORLD ORDER who want to control the masses and shove windmills, solar panels (made in China) and electric vehicles up our butts AMERICAS FREEDOM FIGHTERS in no way condones violent acts by ANYONE simply for correctly being FED UP with these SOCIALIST SCUMBAGS.

Maniacs like this give our American First agenda a bad name.


SCRANTON (DOJ) – The United States Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Pennsylvania announced that James Charles Meininger, Jr., age 37, of Kingston, Pennsylvania, was indicted today by a federal grand jury for mailing threatening communications.

According to United States Attorney Gerard M. Karam, the indictment alleges that, in October of 2021, Meininger mailed letters to General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen H. Hicks, threatening to kidnap and injure both of those officials along with Senator Nancy Pelosi. The indictment also alleges Meininger sent a threatening letter to a news journalist in Wilkes-Barre.

The case is being investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Assistant U.S. Attorney Sean A. Camoni is prosecuting the case.

The total maximum penalty under federal law for these offenses is 25 years of imprisonment, a term of supervised release following imprisonment, and a fine.

Again, this is not how to take our country back and publicly expressed death threats posted on Social Media will get you nothing more than a nice stay behind bars in prison.

For example, we previously reported about a Queens man who threatened to “SLAUGHTER” Senators and Representatives and he will be spending some big time in prison as a result.

Following a one-week trial before United States District Judge Pamela K. Chen, a federal jury in Brooklyn convicted Brendan Hunt, also known as “X-Ray Ultra,” of threatening to assault and murder members of the United States Congress to impede, interfere and intimidate with the J6 WITCH HUNT members and to retaliate against them on account of their performance of their official duties. Hunt faces up to 10 years in prison.

“With today’s verdict, the defendant is now a convicted felon, not for his repugnant, racist rants, but because he threatened to attack and kill members of Congress to prevent them from carrying out their constitutional duties, and that is a federal crime,” stated Acting United States Attorney Lesko. “This Office will not tolerate threats of violence against public officials who are entrusted with upholding the Constitution.”

On January 8, 2021, two days after the violent assault on the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., Hunt posted a video called “KILL YOUR SENATORS” that included the summary “Slaughter them all,” to BitChute, an Internet-based video sharing site. In the video, Hunt made additional threats, exhorting his viewers to violence and telling them that “[w]e need to go back to the U.S. Capitol when all of the Senators and a lot of the Representatives are back there, and this time we have to show up with our guns. And we need to slaughter these m—–f—–s.” Hunt also advocated for the violent overthrow of the federal government, claiming that “our government at this point is basically a handful of traitors . . . so what you need to do is take up arms, get to D.C., probably the inauguration . . . so called inauguration of this m—–f—–g communist Joe Biden . . . [T]hat’s probably the best time to do this, get your guns, show up to D.C., and literally just spray these m—–f—–s . . . put some bullets in their f——g heads.” Hunt stated, “If anybody has a gun, give me it, I’ll go there myself and shoot them and kill them . . . [W]e have to take out these Senators and then replace them with actual patriots. This is a [Zionist Occupied Government].”

The evidence at trial also showed that, between December 6, 2020 and January 8, 2021, Hunt made a series of posts on various social media websites in which he targeted Members of Congress, including Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer, and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. On December 6, 2020, Hunt posted two messages on his Facebook account, the first calling Speaker Pelosi, Senator Schumer, and Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez “high-value target[s].” Hunt stated: “They really need to be put down. These commies will see death before they see us surrender.”

A second message called on former President Donald Trump to hold a public execution of Pelosi, Schumer, and Ocasio-Cortez. “If you dont do it, the citizenry will. We’re not voting in another rigged election. Start up the firing squads, mow down these commies, and lets take America back,” Hunt stated.

So, these people are rightly infuriated by the Biden REGIME but violence is not the answer.

We are all extremely frustrated but stay positive if you can and just know that WE WILL TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK in THE NEXT ELECTIONS.



God Bless.

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