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Impeachment Articles Just Got Filed – Marjorie Taylor Green Goes After President Biden’s Bulldog AG Garland

Republicans have vowed, time and again, that if they regain Congress they will hold this administration accountable.

But it doesn’t look like one Republican is waiting until after the 2022 midterms. Because conservative firebrand MTG just went after one of the heads of this deep state snake.

From The Hill:

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) announced on Friday that she had filed articles of impeachment against Attorney General Merrick Garland as the FBI’s search of the former president’s Florida residence roils Republicans.

Greene’s resolution claims that the attorney general’s “personal approval to seek a search warrant for the raid on the home of the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, constitutes a blatant attempt to persecute a political opponent.”

Boom. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican from Georgia, has filed articles of impeachment against Biden’s AG, Merrick Garland.

Her reason? Garland’s approval of the FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Largo estate constitutes persecution of a “political opponent.”

It’s no secret that many Republicans question the validity of the FBI’s raid of Trump’s home and the supposed investigation associated with it.

Some legal experts pointed out that there is little smoke to this fire. Trump, as president, had the power to declassify the documents he took to Mar-a-Largo.

On top of that, his team revealed they had been cooperating with the National Archives and the FBI.

We can’t claim to know what the FBI is up to, but we all know its reputation has been severely tarnished over recent years. Especially with how the bureau handles cases differently for Democrats and Republicans.

Even if this was on the “up-and-up” how can any honest American not question it, when this is a Democrat administration investigating a former and possible future rival?

Keep in mind, that Democrats impeached Trump over a phone about Joe Biden. Yet now Joe Biden’s FBI raided Trump’s home, something seemingly much worse than a phone call.

It’s unlikely Greene’s current effort to impeach Garland will get much traction. But if Republicans win back the House (and the Senate) in 2022, they will have the power to issue much more than articles of impeachment.

Expect all kinds of investigations, hearings, and challenges to Biden and the DOJ.


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