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Judge Greenlights Lawsuit Against Biden Administration – Joe Gets Serious Backlash For The Ongoing Border Crisis

The ongoing border crisis just keeps grabbing headlines, as southern states and many citizens push back against the Biden administration’s lax approach.

Immediately after taking office, Biden reversed several of his predecessor’s border policies. This included stopping construction on the wall, as well as working toward ditching “Remain in Mexico.”

Since then, border authorities have reported historically high encounter and arrest numbers. And instead of fighting back, we’ve seen some moves by the White House that could only make things worse.

Now, Though, One Judge Is Allowing A Border-Related Lawsuit To Continue — And It Might Come As A Surprise.

The left frequently pushes their climate agenda, and are quick to pounce on anything that might damage the environment. Ironically enough, this might just include the illegal immigration problem.

The Massachusetts Coalition for Immigration Reform filed suit against the Department of Homeland Security, Justice, and State, claiming they haven’t complied with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

And a judge just ruled that they absolutely have a case.

Via Washington Examiner:

A federal judge has allowed a lawsuit to continue that alleges the Biden administration’s move to stop Trump-era border wall projects and immigration policies has had a negative impact on the environment.

U.S. District Judge for the District of Columbia Trevor McFadden is a 2017 Trump appointee, and he ruled that the Coalition’s claim – that the “agencies’ disregard of NEPA caused environmental harm” – has merit.

The lawsuit claims that Biden didn’t realize the impacts his decisions would make on the southern border. Specifically, the constant flood of illegal migrants have had a tremendously negative effect.

Said CIS Director of Litigation Julie Axelrod (via the AP):

Resolving this question is long overdue.

The massive impacts of immigration to the U.S, including degradation to the southern borderlands, our infrastructure, urban sprawl, pollution, global carbon emissions, and all other environmental considerations have become impossible to sweep under the rug any longer.

When Biden stopped the final 350 miles of border wall projects, then halted “Remain in Mexico” (which the Supreme Court later ruled against), he was actually hurting the environment. This is the Coalition’s contention.

Liberals might have difficulty backing one side or the other in this case.

On the one hand, they don’t seem to have much problem with the border crisis but on the other, if it’s really causing irreparable harm to the environment, they can’t look away.

Now we’ll have to see what comes of this lawsuit, and if Republicans latch onto this news — they could use this environmental angle to turn the tables against Democrats in the border battle.

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